Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blessings To All!

We are Stardust,

We are Golden,

We've got to get ourselves,

Back to the Garden.

Remember Who You Are Beloved Ones.

You are God, dreaming you are not God.


New Year, New Consciousness, New Possibilities.

Happy 2010 !

Pravda hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid & Norway light spiral

Pravda hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid & Norway light spiral

December 19, 2009

Honolulu Exopolitics ExaminerMichael Salla, Ph.D.

On December 18, the English edition of Russia’s Pravda newspaper ran a story on a pyramid UFO sighting over the Kremlin, Moscow that day. The report cited amateur videos taken of the sighting by hundreds of cell phones. The only problem was that the pyramid UFO actually appeared on December 9, the same day of the mysterious Norway Spiral Lights, and one day before President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech. Was it simply a mistake or was Pravda deliberately trying to confuse the public over the Moscow sighting reported 9 days earlier by various Russian and Western media sources? More importantly, was Pravda trying to downplay any possible link between the Norway Light spiral and the UFO pyramid over the Kremlin?

Light Spiral over Norway - Photo: APOn Dec 9, 2009, a mysterious light spiral appeared over Norway. One day later, Russia announced that a Bulava missile test had failed. This was accepted by most Western analysts as the most plausible explanation for the Norway light spiral. The Norway lights spiral preceded President Obama’s December 10 Nobel Peace Prize speech where nuclear disarmament was prominently featured. Around the same time these events were taking place, two amateur videos first surfaced of a mysterious mile wide pyramid shaped UFO appearing over Moscow’s Kremlin City. The Moscow UFO pyramid appeared for several hours on December 9 and raised the possibility of a link with the Norway spiral lights. Was the failed missile test caused by extraterrestrials wanting to signal to the Russian Federation that nuclear weapons development was not in the best interests of Russia or the world? Did the extraterrestrials responsible for the failed test and/or linked to the Norway light spiral, then appear over Moscow’s seat of political and military power - the Kremlin? The alleged failed missile test, the Norway Spiral lights, Moscow UFO pyramid, and Obama’s Peace Prize speech, point to a startling conclusion. Extraterrestrials have begun to openly act in ways that directly influence the national security policies of the world’s two major nuclear powers: the US and Russia.

Hundreds of witnesses saw the Moscow pyramid according to the Daily Mail, Some claimed the pyramid was an air balloon or stunt, but a spokesman for aerospace experts from Jane's News told the Sun newspaper: "We have no idea what it is." Furthermore, the Russian police had no official comment. To date, there has been no official explanation from Russian authorities over the mile wide UFO pyramid. Instead, what has just emerged is an English version Pravda news report that the pyramid appeared on December 18, and was filmed on many cell phones. Here is what Pravda reported:

A strange flying object was spotted in the sky above Moscow today, December 18. Muscovites could see a large triangle-shaped object hovering above Red Square. Many people filmed the object on their cell phones and uploaded the videos on YouTube. The videos stirred quite a controversy in Western media outlets, which concluded that the triangle above the heart of Moscow was an unidentified flying object. The object, about 1.5 kilometers wide, looked like the imperial cruiser from the Star Wars, The Daily Telegraph wrote. The object was hovering above the Kremlin for several hours. The videos of the strange object have gone to the top of YouTube Russia.

The dating of the Pyramid UFO sighting by Pravda appears to be a deliberate fabrication. This is revealed by a number of Western media reports dating the sighting to December 9, and Russia Today news story that was posted on Youtube on December 11. In the absence of any official report on the UFO pyramid, Pravda’s report appears to be a disinformation effort by mixing a fabricated date of the pyramid UFO sighting with more compelling evidence that it was widely seen and filmed in Moscow. The disinformation effort appears intended disassociate the Moscow pyramid UFO sighting with the Norway light spiral on December 9 apparently caused by a failed Russian missile.

In conclusion, hundreds of witness sightings, at least two amateur videos and possibly other phone camera shots/films, according to Pravda, exist of the Moscow UFO pyramid. The fact that incident occurred on the same day of a spectacular light spiral in Norway associated with a failed Russian missile test naturally raises the possibility of a link. With historical evidence that UFOs have intervened in the past to cause the failure of nuclear missile tests, this suggests a clear linkage between the Norway spiral lights and the Moscow UFO sighting. This possibility is strengthened further by the fact that nuclear disarmament was a major policy element of President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech one day later. With the growing possibility of a clear link between these events on December 9 and 10, Pravda’s December 18 report appeared to be an effort to downplay such a possibility by mixing dates in an apparent disinformation effort. Russian national security authorities may be influencing Pravda and other Russian news sources to downplay such a possible link. The goal may be to hide an embarrassing revelation – extraterrestrial life has begun to openly influence the nuclear policies of Russia and the United States. If correct, such a revelation points to increasing pressure on major powers to disclose the truth about extraterrestrial life in the near future.

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U.S. military is liaising with extraterrestrial life

U.S. military is liaising with extraterrestrial life according to independent sources
December 28, 2009
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner, Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Independent sources have claimed an on-going set of face-to-face meetings between U.S. military officials and extraterrestrial life. The sources reveal that senior U.S. Navy officers have played a leading role in an inter-services working group responsible for the meetings, and that different extraterrestrial groups are allegedly involved. One source claims that the contact involves extraterrestrial groups known as Reptilians, and a silicon based life form dubbed ‘the Conformers’. Another source claims that the extraterrestrials are called Ebens from the Zeta Reticuli star system, but known colloquially as the Grays. A third source claims that human looking extraterrestrials representing an association of star nations are liaising with military officials. Two of the sources have been interviewed by this writer who has been aware of their claims for more than a year, and finds them credible. The similarities in these independent reports gives reason to conclude that an ongoing program of secret meetings involving senior military personal from the U.S. Navy and other military services with one or more extraterrestrial civilizations is underway.

One source claiming to have participated in face-to-face meetings is a serving U.S. Navy officer that in February 2008 revealed the existence of a confidential set of meetings at the UN where UFOs and extraterrestrial life were discussed. Known as Source A, the Navy officer claims that he was sanctioned by a working group comprising a number of admirals to disclose the UN talks without revealing his identity. In June 2008, Source A claims he was assigned to another project that involved direct meetings with two groups of extraterrestrials in a covert project where he was sanctioned to board their spacecraft on three different occasions. One group is a Reptilian looking species, and another is a silicon based life form he dubbed the ‘Conformers’.

This author and a number of other researchers have met with and interviewed Source A, and have been able to confirm that he is a serving U.S. Navy officer. Recently, two New York based UFO investigators, Clay and Shawn Pickering, gave a three hour interview concerning Source A’s involvement in a covert project involving face-to-face meetings with extraterrestrial life. They revealed that a covert inter-services working group has attempted to brief President Obama about the extraterrestrial liaison project. Given Source A’s identity and unlikelihood that more senior U.S. Navy officials would sanction a serving officer to openly misinform the general public over extraterrestrial life, there is reason to take his claims of participating in a covert project involving face-to-face meetings very seriously.

An anonymous source associated with the Defense Intelligence Agency recently claimed that military officials on November 12, 2009, met with extraterrestrials called Ebens, from the Zeta Reticula star system, on Akau Atoll in the Johnston Islands. The alleged meeting was part of an ongoing set of diplomatic discussions and exchanges that date several decades. The information was the latest installment related to an alleged classified project called Serpo, a secret exchange program with extraterrestrial visitors from Zeta Reticulum. According to Victor Martinez, who maintains a large email list where he distributes Project Serpo reports released to him by ‘anonymous’:

… the Ebens met on Akau Island with a total of 18 representatives from the U.S., United Nations, Russia, China, the Vatican and certain other guests. U.S. representatives are said to have included five military personnel, two intelligence officers, one linguist and one person representing the Obama administration.

The Johnston Islands are a U.S. territory and lie 750 miles south west of Honolulu. That places the Islands directly under the military authority of Pacific Command that historically has been run by the U.S. Navy. Although the latest Project Serpo release does not identify the service of the five military personnel at the alleged meeting, the choice of Johnston Atoll suggests a leading role for U.S. Navy officials in the latest face-to-face meeting.

The Serpo story raises considerable controversy with many inconsistencies in the claims of the sources revealing the Serpo information. Nevertheless, there are many events revealed in the Serpo story that are very likely based on real events such as President Reagan being secretly briefed at some point about extraterrestrial life. A number of Reagan’s public statements are circumstantial evidence that he did receive such a briefing. An alleged transcript of the briefing was released as part of the Serpo material in November 2007. This author’s assessment is that the Serpo releases mix real events with fiction in an officially sanctioned acclimation program. While the Serpo material requires much discernment given the level of disinformation in it, it is very likely that it accurately reveals the existence of secret military meetings with extraterrestrials, but mixes this with contrived details. The implicit leading role of the U.S. Navy in the alleged Akau meeting is consistent with the revelations of Source A.

The third and final anonymous source has revealed face-to-face meetings between U.S. military officials and human looking representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Again officers from the U.S. Navy are described as playing an active role, and are deeply involved in promoting public disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial life. What distinguishes this alleged set of military meetings with extraterrestrials is that according to the source, the meetings were convened due to distrust over the way a covert international control group initially called “MJ-12” ” (current name unknown), has been managing information and technology concerning extraterrestrial life. The various military representatives were apparently shocked over the extent to which “MJ-12” has deceived them in oversight and management of extraterrestrial affairs.

In conclusion, there is very real dissatisfaction in the U.S. military, especially officers from the Navy, over the way in which extraterrestrial affairs has been secretly run and managed by a covert transnational group initially known as “MJ-12. The dissatisfaction can be traced back to an incident involving a Vice-Admiral serving as the head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff who was denied access to a covert extraterrestrial related project under corporate control. The incident was in June 2008 publicly revealed on Larry King Live by former Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell (see video clip). Since at least 1997, groups of U.S. Navy officers through covert inter-service working groups have been trying to restore military/government oversight over extraterrestrial affairs that has been increasingly privatized in the corporate world.

The details of alleged face to face meetings between U.S. military/Navy personnel with extraterrestrial life is not known with great accuracy due to conflicting accounts of representatives of what occurred at such meetings. Nevertheless, given three independent sources reveal such meetings, two of which have been personally confirmed by the author as credible, it can be concluded that extraterrestrial military liaisons are currently underway. Retired officers from the two military services making up the Department of the Navy (US Navy and US Marine Corps) feature prominently in the Obama administration. These include Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence (ret Admiral, USN); James Jones, National Security Advisor (ret. General, USMC); and Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator (ret. General, USMC). Consequently, a U.S. military extraterrestrial liaison program that is being leaked to the public by US Navy officers from a covert inter-services working group will encourage the Obama administration to move forward with a public announcement concerning the reality of extraterrestrial life.

Obama Curbs Secrecy of Classified Documents

December 30, 2009
Obama Curbs Secrecy of Classified Documents

WASHINGTON — President Obama declared on Tuesday that “no information may remain classified indefinitely” as part of a sweeping overhaul of the executive branch’s system for protecting classified national security information.

In an executive order and an accompanying presidential memorandum to agency heads, Mr. Obama signaled that the government should try harder to make information public if possible, including by requiring agencies to regularly review what kinds of information they classify and to eliminate any obsolete secrecy requirements.

“Agency heads shall complete on a periodic basis a comprehensive review of the agency’s classification guidance, particularly classification guides, to ensure the guidance reflects current circumstances and to identify classified information that no longer requires protection and can be declassified,” Mr. Obama wrote in the order, released while he was vacationing in Hawaii.

He also established a new National Declassification Center at the National Archives to speed the process of declassifying historical documents by centralizing their review, rather than sending them in sequence to different agencies. He set a four-year deadline for processing a 400-million-page backlog of such records that includes archives related to military operations during World War II and the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Moreover, Mr. Obama eliminated a rule put in place by former President George W. Bush in 2003 that allowed the leader of the intelligence community to veto decisions by an interagency panel to declassify information. Instead, spy agencies who object to such a decision will have to appeal to the president.

As a presidential candidate, Mr. Obama campaigned on a theme of making the government less secretive. But in office his record has been more ambiguous, drawing fire from advocates of open government by embracing Bush-era claims that certain lawsuits involving surveillance and torture must be shut down to protect state secrets.

Steven Aftergood, the director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists, expressed cautious optimism about Mr. Obama’s new order, saying it appeared to be “a major step forward” from the vantage point of those who believe the government is too secretive.

“Everything depends on the faithful implementation by the agencies,” Mr. Aftergood said, “but there are some real innovations here.”

Mr. Obama also suggested that his administration might undertake further changes, saying he looked forward to recommendations from a study that Gen. James L. Jones, the national security adviser, is leading “to design a more fundamental transformation of the security classification system.”

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Goethe Says It All

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe