“Humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die. … If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction.”
Eckhart Tolle
A New Earth is birthing before your very eyes. Changes big and small happen everyday ; some subtle, some obvious. Triumphs and catastrophes, suffering and sacrifice, birth and death, occurs all around us everyday as part of life here on earth. Humanity has some important decisions to make as we have come to a critical juncture.
What we do now affects our future, our children’s children. Our choices determine our history and define who we are. If humanity were asked ‘what do you want your legacy to be?’ what would be our answer? Who speaks for the collective? We all do. We all have a voice and a choice. Unity is our only option. As One, with focused intention, we are strong. Love must be our guide. Love is the bridge we must build together. Unity and peace must be our goal.
How do we begin to collectively and consciously change our world, to change our reality?
We can choose a new way, a new thought, a new vision and a new earth. The change starts with you. Thats a big responsibility, right? You have to do the work. You have to choose, moment to moment, what is right. You are responsible for your world. It is our thoughts, actions and deeds that create the reality we see before us. The power of the people is highly underestimated. Our voice, as one voice, as a chorus of angels, cannot be ignored. We create the world through our choices. We choose to accept or not accept what it placed before us. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but our numbers are rising, fast. In fact they are overwhelming. This is to our advantage, if we choose to make a stand for what is right.
The change starts with you.
You can begin right now by tuning into your heart and asking ;
What would Love do now?
What do I know to be true, yet keep ignoring out of fear?
Am I on earth for a reason?
Do I have the courage to follow my heart when it matters most?
“This world is in deep trouble, from top to bottom.
But it can be swiftly healed by the balm of love.”