Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blessings To All!

We are Stardust,

We are Golden,

We've got to get ourselves,

Back to the Garden.

Remember Who You Are Beloved Ones.

You are God, dreaming you are not God.


New Year, New Consciousness, New Possibilities.

Happy 2010 !

Pravda hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid & Norway light spiral

Pravda hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid & Norway light spiral

December 19, 2009

Honolulu Exopolitics ExaminerMichael Salla, Ph.D.

On December 18, the English edition of Russia’s Pravda newspaper ran a story on a pyramid UFO sighting over the Kremlin, Moscow that day. The report cited amateur videos taken of the sighting by hundreds of cell phones. The only problem was that the pyramid UFO actually appeared on December 9, the same day of the mysterious Norway Spiral Lights, and one day before President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech. Was it simply a mistake or was Pravda deliberately trying to confuse the public over the Moscow sighting reported 9 days earlier by various Russian and Western media sources? More importantly, was Pravda trying to downplay any possible link between the Norway Light spiral and the UFO pyramid over the Kremlin?

Light Spiral over Norway - Photo: APOn Dec 9, 2009, a mysterious light spiral appeared over Norway. One day later, Russia announced that a Bulava missile test had failed. This was accepted by most Western analysts as the most plausible explanation for the Norway light spiral. The Norway lights spiral preceded President Obama’s December 10 Nobel Peace Prize speech where nuclear disarmament was prominently featured. Around the same time these events were taking place, two amateur videos first surfaced of a mysterious mile wide pyramid shaped UFO appearing over Moscow’s Kremlin City. The Moscow UFO pyramid appeared for several hours on December 9 and raised the possibility of a link with the Norway spiral lights. Was the failed missile test caused by extraterrestrials wanting to signal to the Russian Federation that nuclear weapons development was not in the best interests of Russia or the world? Did the extraterrestrials responsible for the failed test and/or linked to the Norway light spiral, then appear over Moscow’s seat of political and military power - the Kremlin? The alleged failed missile test, the Norway Spiral lights, Moscow UFO pyramid, and Obama’s Peace Prize speech, point to a startling conclusion. Extraterrestrials have begun to openly act in ways that directly influence the national security policies of the world’s two major nuclear powers: the US and Russia.

Hundreds of witnesses saw the Moscow pyramid according to the Daily Mail, Some claimed the pyramid was an air balloon or stunt, but a spokesman for aerospace experts from Jane's News told the Sun newspaper: "We have no idea what it is." Furthermore, the Russian police had no official comment. To date, there has been no official explanation from Russian authorities over the mile wide UFO pyramid. Instead, what has just emerged is an English version Pravda news report that the pyramid appeared on December 18, and was filmed on many cell phones. Here is what Pravda reported:

A strange flying object was spotted in the sky above Moscow today, December 18. Muscovites could see a large triangle-shaped object hovering above Red Square. Many people filmed the object on their cell phones and uploaded the videos on YouTube. The videos stirred quite a controversy in Western media outlets, which concluded that the triangle above the heart of Moscow was an unidentified flying object. The object, about 1.5 kilometers wide, looked like the imperial cruiser from the Star Wars, The Daily Telegraph wrote. The object was hovering above the Kremlin for several hours. The videos of the strange object have gone to the top of YouTube Russia.

The dating of the Pyramid UFO sighting by Pravda appears to be a deliberate fabrication. This is revealed by a number of Western media reports dating the sighting to December 9, and Russia Today news story that was posted on Youtube on December 11. In the absence of any official report on the UFO pyramid, Pravda’s report appears to be a disinformation effort by mixing a fabricated date of the pyramid UFO sighting with more compelling evidence that it was widely seen and filmed in Moscow. The disinformation effort appears intended disassociate the Moscow pyramid UFO sighting with the Norway light spiral on December 9 apparently caused by a failed Russian missile.

In conclusion, hundreds of witness sightings, at least two amateur videos and possibly other phone camera shots/films, according to Pravda, exist of the Moscow UFO pyramid. The fact that incident occurred on the same day of a spectacular light spiral in Norway associated with a failed Russian missile test naturally raises the possibility of a link. With historical evidence that UFOs have intervened in the past to cause the failure of nuclear missile tests, this suggests a clear linkage between the Norway spiral lights and the Moscow UFO sighting. This possibility is strengthened further by the fact that nuclear disarmament was a major policy element of President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech one day later. With the growing possibility of a clear link between these events on December 9 and 10, Pravda’s December 18 report appeared to be an effort to downplay such a possibility by mixing dates in an apparent disinformation effort. Russian national security authorities may be influencing Pravda and other Russian news sources to downplay such a possible link. The goal may be to hide an embarrassing revelation – extraterrestrial life has begun to openly influence the nuclear policies of Russia and the United States. If correct, such a revelation points to increasing pressure on major powers to disclose the truth about extraterrestrial life in the near future.

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U.S. military is liaising with extraterrestrial life

U.S. military is liaising with extraterrestrial life according to independent sources
December 28, 2009
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner, Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Independent sources have claimed an on-going set of face-to-face meetings between U.S. military officials and extraterrestrial life. The sources reveal that senior U.S. Navy officers have played a leading role in an inter-services working group responsible for the meetings, and that different extraterrestrial groups are allegedly involved. One source claims that the contact involves extraterrestrial groups known as Reptilians, and a silicon based life form dubbed ‘the Conformers’. Another source claims that the extraterrestrials are called Ebens from the Zeta Reticuli star system, but known colloquially as the Grays. A third source claims that human looking extraterrestrials representing an association of star nations are liaising with military officials. Two of the sources have been interviewed by this writer who has been aware of their claims for more than a year, and finds them credible. The similarities in these independent reports gives reason to conclude that an ongoing program of secret meetings involving senior military personal from the U.S. Navy and other military services with one or more extraterrestrial civilizations is underway.

One source claiming to have participated in face-to-face meetings is a serving U.S. Navy officer that in February 2008 revealed the existence of a confidential set of meetings at the UN where UFOs and extraterrestrial life were discussed. Known as Source A, the Navy officer claims that he was sanctioned by a working group comprising a number of admirals to disclose the UN talks without revealing his identity. In June 2008, Source A claims he was assigned to another project that involved direct meetings with two groups of extraterrestrials in a covert project where he was sanctioned to board their spacecraft on three different occasions. One group is a Reptilian looking species, and another is a silicon based life form he dubbed the ‘Conformers’.

This author and a number of other researchers have met with and interviewed Source A, and have been able to confirm that he is a serving U.S. Navy officer. Recently, two New York based UFO investigators, Clay and Shawn Pickering, gave a three hour interview concerning Source A’s involvement in a covert project involving face-to-face meetings with extraterrestrial life. They revealed that a covert inter-services working group has attempted to brief President Obama about the extraterrestrial liaison project. Given Source A’s identity and unlikelihood that more senior U.S. Navy officials would sanction a serving officer to openly misinform the general public over extraterrestrial life, there is reason to take his claims of participating in a covert project involving face-to-face meetings very seriously.

An anonymous source associated with the Defense Intelligence Agency recently claimed that military officials on November 12, 2009, met with extraterrestrials called Ebens, from the Zeta Reticula star system, on Akau Atoll in the Johnston Islands. The alleged meeting was part of an ongoing set of diplomatic discussions and exchanges that date several decades. The information was the latest installment related to an alleged classified project called Serpo, a secret exchange program with extraterrestrial visitors from Zeta Reticulum. According to Victor Martinez, who maintains a large email list where he distributes Project Serpo reports released to him by ‘anonymous’:

… the Ebens met on Akau Island with a total of 18 representatives from the U.S., United Nations, Russia, China, the Vatican and certain other guests. U.S. representatives are said to have included five military personnel, two intelligence officers, one linguist and one person representing the Obama administration.

The Johnston Islands are a U.S. territory and lie 750 miles south west of Honolulu. That places the Islands directly under the military authority of Pacific Command that historically has been run by the U.S. Navy. Although the latest Project Serpo release does not identify the service of the five military personnel at the alleged meeting, the choice of Johnston Atoll suggests a leading role for U.S. Navy officials in the latest face-to-face meeting.

The Serpo story raises considerable controversy with many inconsistencies in the claims of the sources revealing the Serpo information. Nevertheless, there are many events revealed in the Serpo story that are very likely based on real events such as President Reagan being secretly briefed at some point about extraterrestrial life. A number of Reagan’s public statements are circumstantial evidence that he did receive such a briefing. An alleged transcript of the briefing was released as part of the Serpo material in November 2007. This author’s assessment is that the Serpo releases mix real events with fiction in an officially sanctioned acclimation program. While the Serpo material requires much discernment given the level of disinformation in it, it is very likely that it accurately reveals the existence of secret military meetings with extraterrestrials, but mixes this with contrived details. The implicit leading role of the U.S. Navy in the alleged Akau meeting is consistent with the revelations of Source A.

The third and final anonymous source has revealed face-to-face meetings between U.S. military officials and human looking representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Again officers from the U.S. Navy are described as playing an active role, and are deeply involved in promoting public disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial life. What distinguishes this alleged set of military meetings with extraterrestrials is that according to the source, the meetings were convened due to distrust over the way a covert international control group initially called “MJ-12” ” (current name unknown), has been managing information and technology concerning extraterrestrial life. The various military representatives were apparently shocked over the extent to which “MJ-12” has deceived them in oversight and management of extraterrestrial affairs.

In conclusion, there is very real dissatisfaction in the U.S. military, especially officers from the Navy, over the way in which extraterrestrial affairs has been secretly run and managed by a covert transnational group initially known as “MJ-12. The dissatisfaction can be traced back to an incident involving a Vice-Admiral serving as the head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff who was denied access to a covert extraterrestrial related project under corporate control. The incident was in June 2008 publicly revealed on Larry King Live by former Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell (see video clip). Since at least 1997, groups of U.S. Navy officers through covert inter-service working groups have been trying to restore military/government oversight over extraterrestrial affairs that has been increasingly privatized in the corporate world.

The details of alleged face to face meetings between U.S. military/Navy personnel with extraterrestrial life is not known with great accuracy due to conflicting accounts of representatives of what occurred at such meetings. Nevertheless, given three independent sources reveal such meetings, two of which have been personally confirmed by the author as credible, it can be concluded that extraterrestrial military liaisons are currently underway. Retired officers from the two military services making up the Department of the Navy (US Navy and US Marine Corps) feature prominently in the Obama administration. These include Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence (ret Admiral, USN); James Jones, National Security Advisor (ret. General, USMC); and Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator (ret. General, USMC). Consequently, a U.S. military extraterrestrial liaison program that is being leaked to the public by US Navy officers from a covert inter-services working group will encourage the Obama administration to move forward with a public announcement concerning the reality of extraterrestrial life.

Obama Curbs Secrecy of Classified Documents

December 30, 2009
Obama Curbs Secrecy of Classified Documents

WASHINGTON — President Obama declared on Tuesday that “no information may remain classified indefinitely” as part of a sweeping overhaul of the executive branch’s system for protecting classified national security information.

In an executive order and an accompanying presidential memorandum to agency heads, Mr. Obama signaled that the government should try harder to make information public if possible, including by requiring agencies to regularly review what kinds of information they classify and to eliminate any obsolete secrecy requirements.

“Agency heads shall complete on a periodic basis a comprehensive review of the agency’s classification guidance, particularly classification guides, to ensure the guidance reflects current circumstances and to identify classified information that no longer requires protection and can be declassified,” Mr. Obama wrote in the order, released while he was vacationing in Hawaii.

He also established a new National Declassification Center at the National Archives to speed the process of declassifying historical documents by centralizing their review, rather than sending them in sequence to different agencies. He set a four-year deadline for processing a 400-million-page backlog of such records that includes archives related to military operations during World War II and the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Moreover, Mr. Obama eliminated a rule put in place by former President George W. Bush in 2003 that allowed the leader of the intelligence community to veto decisions by an interagency panel to declassify information. Instead, spy agencies who object to such a decision will have to appeal to the president.

As a presidential candidate, Mr. Obama campaigned on a theme of making the government less secretive. But in office his record has been more ambiguous, drawing fire from advocates of open government by embracing Bush-era claims that certain lawsuits involving surveillance and torture must be shut down to protect state secrets.

Steven Aftergood, the director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists, expressed cautious optimism about Mr. Obama’s new order, saying it appeared to be “a major step forward” from the vantage point of those who believe the government is too secretive.

“Everything depends on the faithful implementation by the agencies,” Mr. Aftergood said, “but there are some real innovations here.”

Mr. Obama also suggested that his administration might undertake further changes, saying he looked forward to recommendations from a study that Gen. James L. Jones, the national security adviser, is leading “to design a more fundamental transformation of the security classification system.”

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Goethe Says It All

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Friday, November 20, 2009

Japan's new first lady says rode in a spaceship

Japan's new first lady says rode in a spaceship

Fri Sep 4, 2009

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's next prime minister might be nicknamed "the alien," but it's his wife who claims to have had a close encounter with another world.

"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year.

"It was a very beautiful place and it was really green."

Yukio Hatoyama is due to be voted in as premier on September 16 following his party's crushing election victory over the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party Sunday.

Miyuki, 66, described the extraterrestrial experience, which she said took place some 20 years ago, in a book entitled "Very Strange Things I've Encountered."

When she awoke, Japan's next first lady wrote, she told her now ex-husband that she had just been to Venus. He advised her that it was probably just a dream.

"My current husband has a different way of thinking," she wrote. "He would surely say 'Oh, that's great'."

Yukio Hatoyama, 62, the rich grandson of a former prime minister, was once nicknamed "the alien" for his prominent eyes.

Miyuki, also known for her culinary skills, spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue, an all-female musical theater group. She met the U.S.-educated Yukio while living in America.

(Reporting by Colin Parott; Editing by Linda Sieg)

UFO eccentric wanted in the United States for "the biggest military hack of all time"

British hacker loses U.S. extradition case

Fri Oct 9, 2009
LONDON (Reuters) - A British "UFO eccentric," wanted in the United States for breaking into NASA and Pentagon computers in "the biggest military hack of all time," lost his latest battle to avoid extradition on Friday.

Gary McKinnon, 43, was refused permission to appeal to the Supreme Court, Britain's highest judicial body, as he continued his long battle to avoid being sent to the United States.

McKinnon, who was recently diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism, had challenged a refusal by Britain's chief prosecutor to allow him to be tried in Britain, which would have avoided any need for extradition.

However, London's High Court said his case did not raise "points of law of general public importance" which is necessary to pursue a case at the Supreme Court, the Press Association reported.

His lawyers said they would now consider applying to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

In an earlier ruling, the High Court accepted that his extradition could have consequences for his health, but judges decided that the process of the law overruled those concerns.

"The effects of these proceedings on Gary have been devastating," said McKinnon's lawyer Karen Todner. "The legal team are now considering our position and we will exhaust every avenue to prevent Gary's extradition."

McKinnon, whose lawyers describe him as a "UFO eccentric" who used the Internet to search for alien life, is accused of causing the U.S. Army's entire network of more than 2,000 computers in Washington to be shut down for 24 hours. U.S. authorities called this "the biggest military hack of all time."

He was arrested in 2002 after U.S. prosecutors charged him with illegally accessing computers, including systems at the Pentagon and NASA, and causing $700,000 worth of damage.

If he is convicted by a U.S. court, McKinnon could face up to 70 years in prison.

McKinnon told Reuters in an interview that he was just a computer nerd who wanted to find out whether aliens really existed. He became obsessed with trawling through large military data networks for any proof that they might be out there.

He had used his own computer with a 56K dial-up modem at his London home with no password protection and somehow managed to evade every security measure the U.S. military had adopted. While McKinnon admits hacking, he argues it was not malicious.

His cause has been backed by the Daily Mail newspaper and some British politicians.

"What Gary did was wrong, born of his compulsive and obsessive behavior. But it does not justify Gary's extradition, which would be a cruel and excessive punishment, particularly given his Aspergers," his mother Janis Sharp said. "I've fought for five years to protect my son and I am not about to give up now."

(Reporting by Michael Holden; editing by David Stamp)

UFO disclosure by Obama, The Pope and The UK on its way?

UFO disclosure by Obama, The Pope and The UK on its way?

George Filer

12 November 2009

The White House has released a list of visitors. Topping the list is Andy Stern president of the Service Employees International with 22 visits. Second on the list is John Podesta with 17 visits who has supported efforts from the UFO research community to pressure the United States government to release files to the public that could bring light on the simmering allegations of conspiracies and cover-up of the issue. At a 2002 news conference, Podesta stated, "It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon".

Obama may now decide to join in with the Vatican and other world leaders such as France’s Nicolas Sarkozy to announce extraterrestrial presence. David Cameron the Conservative leader in the UK said he "was convinced" the Earth had been visited by aliens and has vowed to publish any secret files that may exist on UFOs if he becomes Prime Minister”. The Washington Post announced today, “The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first major conference on astrobiology, the new science that seeks to find extraterrestrial life in the universe and to understand how life began on Earth.

In The United Kingdom, newly released files reveal that Lord Hill-Norton a former head of the Armed Forces wrote to the defence secretary urging him to “demonstrate a more serious concern” over the Bentwaters UFO sighting.

Files previously released by the Ministry of Defence disclose that Lord Hill-Norton a five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of Defence was kept in the dark about the UFO subject during his official capacities.

In a short interview with James Fox, the late Admiral emphatically stated that, “The UFO subject has great significance and should no longer be denied and kept secret; there is a serious possibility that we are being visited — and have been visited for many years — by people from outer space, from other civilizations; that it behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want.” This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation.”

Some excerpts from that interview:

"I know a good bit about the Bentwaters incident. I’ve interviewed a number of the people who took part in it, and what I have decided after careful thought, is that there are only two explanations for what happened that night in Suffolk. The first is that the people concerned — including Colonel Halt, who was, at the time, the Deputy Commander of the Base, and a lot of his soldiers — claim that something from outside the Earth’s atmosphere landed at their air force base. They went and stood by it; they inspected it; they photographed it.

The following day they took tests on the ground where it had been and found radioactive traces; they reported this. Colonel Halt wrote a memorandum, which was sent to our Ministry of Defense. He has appeared on British television at least once, to my knowledge — possibly more often — in which he has repeated, effectively, what he said in that memorandum. What he said is what I have just described. That is one explanation — that it actually happened as Colonel Halt reported.

The other explanation is that it didn’t. In that case, one is bound to assume that Colonel Halt and all his men were hallucinating. My position is perfectly clear — either of those explanations is of the utmost defense interest. It has been reported and claimed — and I, myself, have raised it to ministers at the Defense Ministry in this country — that nothing they have been informed about regarding UFOs is of defense interest. Surely, to any sensible person, either of those explanations cannot fail to be of defense interest. That the Colonel of an American Air Force Base in Suffolk and his military men are hallucinating when there are nuclear-armed aircraft on the base — this must be of defense interest.

And, if indeed what he says took place, did take place — and why on Earth should he make it up — then, surely, the entry of a vehicle from outer space (and certainly not manmade) to a defense base in this country also cannot fail to be of defense interest. It simply isn’t any good for our ministers — and the Ministry of Defense in particular — to say that nothing took place that December night in Suffolk, or that it is not of defense interest. It simply isn’t true.

Since my name has become connected with UFO matters in quite a big way in this country, and in one or two other countries too, I have frequently been asked why a person of my background — a former Chief of the Defense Staff, a former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee — why I think there is a cover-up, or what the reasons may be for government’s wishing to cover up the facts about UFOs. A number of explanations have often been put forward. The most frequent, and perhaps the most plausible, is the government’s concern (which [is] primarily that of the United States, and that of my own country) over the public’s reaction if they [were] told the truth — which is that there are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything that we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here, and that we have no defense against them, should they be hostile.

I believe governments fear that if they did disclose those facts, people would panic: people would rush about and jam switchboards like they did that famous day in New Jersey, when there was a spoof that the Martians [had] landed — people will go mad, and they will jump up and down. I don’t believe that at all — I’ve said so in print. I do not believe that people today, in the 21st century, are going to panic at that sort of information. After all, they have put up with the introduction of nuclear weapons and the destruction of two Japanese cities 50 years ago. They take as a matter of course that we can land vehicles on Mars — land to the precise instant, forecast years before. So why should they panic? They are much more interested in doing the pools or the lottery. They would shrug their shoulders and take it as a matter of course. Anyway, they don’t trust politicians, in my experience.

What I’d like to say is that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited — and have been visited for many years — by people from outer space, from other civilizations

UFO sightings are now so common; the military doesn't have time to worry about them. When a UFO appears, they simply ignore it. Unconventional targets are ignored because apparently we are only interested in the Russian targets, possible enemy targets. Something that hovers in the air, and then shoots off at 5000 miles per hour doesn't interest us because it can't be the enemy. UFOs are picked up by ground and air radar and they have been photographed by gun camera all along. There are so many UFOs in the sky that the air force has had to employ special radar networks to screen them out".

Ret. Major George Filer is a leading American UFO researcher and the MUFON Eastern Region Director, his website is:

Source: Filer's Files

Thursday, November 5, 2009


These are excerpts from the "Conversations With God" books by Neale Donald Walsch. These books are literally a God-Send.

Our planet is a mess.
We don’t understand the most basic concepts of civilised societies.
We don’t know how to solve conflict without violence.
We don’t know how to live without fear.
We don’t know to act without self interest.
We don’t know how to love without condition.

Until we are willing to take responsibility for all of it, we cannot change any of it.

We’ve been making the same mistakes for thousands of years. Humankind has not evolved in its most basic instincts much beyond the caveman era. Yet every attempt to change it is met with scorn. Every challenge to look at your values, and maybe even restructure them, is greeted with fear, and then anger.

Most of the human race has decided that the meaning and the purpose and the function of education is to pass on knowledge; that to educate someone is ti give them knowledge- generally, the accumulated knowledge of one’s particular family, clan , tribe , society, nation, and world.

Yet education has little to do with k∑nowledge.
It has to do with Wisdom.
Wisdom is knowledge applied.

When you give your children Wisdom, you do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but rather, how to get to their own truth. Let the child discover for itself. Know this : Knowledge is lost. Wisdom is never forgotten.

In order to protect your way of life, you have built an education system based upon the development in the child of memories, not abilities. Children are taught to remember facts and fictions - the fictions that each society has set up about itself - rather than given the ability to discover and create their own truths. What you have been teaching your children has led toward ignorance, not away from it.

You have not allowed your schools to teach that love is all there is. You have not allowed your schools to speak of a love that is unconditional.
Allow your children to know that they are, first and foremost, spiritual beings inhabiting a body. Treat your children as spirits coming physical bodies, because it is not an easy thing for a spirit to get used to.
Give them as much sense of “unlimitedness” as you possibly can.

Introduce them to the world you have created with gentleness and care. Be full of care - that is to say, be careful - of what you put into their memory storage units. Children remember everything they see, everything they experience.

Why do you place your children in schooled where competition is allowed and encouraged, where being the “best” and learning the “most” is rewarded, where “performance” is graded, and moving at one’s own pace is barely tolerated? What does your child understand from this?
Why do you not teach your children of movement and music and the joy of art and the mystery of fairy tales and the wonder of life? Why do you not bring out what is naturally found in the child, rather than seek to put in what is unnatural to the child?
And why do you not allow your young ones to learn logic, critical thinking, problem solving and creation , using the tools of their intuition and their deepest knowing, rather than the rules and the memorised systems and conclusions of society which has already proven itself to be wholly unable to evolve by these methods, yet continues to use them?

Teach concepts, not subjects.
Devise a new curriculum, and build it around these Three Core Concepts: Awareness , Honesty, and Responsibility.

Teach such courses as;
Understanding Power
Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Elements of Loving Relationships
Personhood and Self Creation
Body Mind and Spirit; How they function
Engaging Creativity
Celebrating Self, Valuing Others
Joyous Sexual Expression
Diversities and Similarities
Ethical Economics
Creative Consciousness and Mind Power
Awareness and Wakefulness
Honesty and Responsibility
Visibility and Transparency
Science and Spirituality
Teach your children these concepts from a young age. Have them run through the curriculum until the final day. Base your entire educational model upon them. Birth all instruction deep within them.

Right now your schools exist solely to provide answers. It would be far more beneficial if their primary function is to ask questions. In your schools, you present data as ‘That Which Is Right’ , when the data should be offered simply as that : data. Past Data should not be the basis of Present Truth.

Teachers emerging from the New Spirituality will understand that asking children to memorise facts is asking them to re-create the past, but that inviting children to explore concepts and ideas invites them to create a new future, for their ideas may be different from yours.

Education from the New Spirituality will deviate from the beaten path. Everything in the child's experience will be contextualised as a spiritual experience at its core. By being immersed in such a context, the student will learn to use spiritual tools to solve life’s problems and to meet life’s challenges.

In the days of the New Spirituality coercion and punishment will not be part of the educational process.

Many people believe that God punishes human beings for not obeying his laws, and that human beings, therefore, have the moral authority and responsibility to do the same to each other. But punishment merely halts behaviour, it does nothing to change it.

Something your children would do well to learn is that there is NO SUCH THING as Right or Wrong, there is only What Works and What Doesn’t Work , given what it is your trying to do.

In the days of the New Spirituality the focus of education will be on Creation.

Duplication is one thing, Creation is another.

The New Spirituality will be about;

~ Showing young people Who They Really Are
~ Opening them up to the Creator Within
~ Allowing them to see and believe in themselves as the Source of their experience, and the Authority of their lives.
~ Returning them to their Inner Wisdom
~ Connecting their minds to their souls, connecting their bodies to their minds, and experiencing all three as one.
~ And ultimately, about experiencing everything as one.

Creating Education will be about experiencing everything as One, and your Self as the Creator. It will be centred around the following major messages:

1. You are One with everyone and everything in the Universe - including God. All thing are part of One Living System.

2. Because you are One with God, you have the power to create what you wish to experience in your life.

3. The way you create is by what you think, say, and do.

4. It is not possible to make a mistake in the process of Creation, and failure is an illusion. Everything that you create is perfect just the way it is - including you.

5. When you create, you are fulfilling the purpose of your life, because creating is how you grow and evolve, and that is what you and all living things are on earth to do.

6. Life itself is your grandest teacher, and it has built-in consequences, but never punishments. Punishment is not part of God’s plan, and has no place in God’s kingdom.
Learning was always meant to be easy - it is actually a process of remembering what your soul has always known.

7. Try to never harm another person, place, or thing in any way, but only to help others and love them as best you can, especially when they have made a mistake or have done something wrong. If you can do this, you will create a friend of just about everyone you know, and when you need one, you will never be without one.

8. There is enough for everyone. It takes very little to be happy, and the fastest way to create happiness is to create happiness for another.

9. Your very best friend is life itself, because it never ends. When the portion of your life on earth is over there will be no “Judgement Day” , no condemnation, and no punishment, but simply and opportunity for you to review all of the thoughts, words and actions of your life, and decide whether you wish to choose again when confronted with similar circumstances. Choice is the process by which you evolve, and ultimately experience Who You Really Are.

Reading, writing and numerics are to be used as tools with which they can create reconciliation, re-creation and re-unification.

In the days of the New Spirituality the priority of education will no longer be the dissemination of facts, but the increasing of sensitivity, awareness, understanding, compassion, acceptance and celebration of the appreciation for the awe and wonder of life.

People must feel empowered to be who they are before they can begin to think about who they might be become. This work of re-creation can be done through Creation education. Yet it must also involve joint efforts by people, governments, and non-governmental organizations around the world.

When children have a reason to learn something - a reason they agree with - you’ll never see learning faster.

In the days of the New Spirituality the function of education will be to draw a Circle of Relevance around the raw data and systems that support life.

“Every teacher should be first, a teacher of humanity, and then a teacher of a subject.”

An early message of the New Spirituality is that you create your own reality, and much time will be spent in Creation Education opening children to their natural abilities, including their psychic abilities and their Manifestation abilities. It will be made clear that God gave you these abilities, that they were given to you to be used, and that there is nothing sinful about them.
The best way to learn something is to teach it. You do not have to know everything there is to know about a subject in order to teach it. You need merely to want to know more about it, and be willing to share your growth process with others.

In the days of the New Spirituality education will be about creating, not a school, but a learning environment.

Remember that good teachers do not try to put something into the student, but rather seek to bring something out of the student.

Your job is to pull wisdom out of others, not to put your wisdom in there. To pull the wisdom out of theirs, you need to know nothing. In fact, the less you know, the better.

~ These are excerpts from the "Conversations With God" books by Neale Donald Walsch. These books are literally a God-Send.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

November 2009

You have the ability to make a positive difference in the world. This has been a roller-coaster time of miracles and challenges. It seems as though these extreme experiences are being used to wake Humanity up at warp speed. No matter how hard people may try, their I AM Presence is not allowing them to push the snooze button in order to go back to sleep. It is time for people everywhere to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this auspicious moment. Important changes are taking place, and in spite of outer-world appearances, we are beginning to see evidence of people in every walk of life reaching out to make a positive difference.

2009 is numerically an 11-year. Eleven is the Master Number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. The many activities of Light that have taken place this year have provided us with amazing opportunities to move into the highest level of consciousness we have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago.

November is the eleventh month in 2009, so we are blessed with the powerful 11:11 numerical frequency throughout this entire month. On November 11 and 29, 2009, we are blessed with 11:11:11 numerical frequency, which will be an incredibly powerful time for all of us.

Whether we consciously remember it or not, each and every one of us has been preparing for a very long time to assist during this unprecedented time. We all have unique skills and abilities that no one else on the planet possesses in exactly the same way we do. We have volunteered to assist in helping to change the old, obsolete behavior patterns that are responsible for the pain and suffering Humanity is enduring. This is being brought to our attention by our I AM Presence, our God Self, because the time for us to begin fulfilling our Divine Missions is NOW!

The only reason we have not been cocreating lives of joy, happiness, prosperity, loving relationships, financially and creatively rewarding jobs, vibrant health, fulfillment, enlightenment and every other positive experience is because we have forgotten that we can.

Not only can we create the lives we dream of, this is our purpose and reason for being. We are Children of God, and we have been invested with the gift of free will. Our thoughts and feelings are creative. Whatever we focus our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into physical form. It is time for us to remember this Divine Truth and for us to consciously choose to create the lives we want instead of inadvertently manifesting, through our fears, the experiences we do not want.

It is time for us to reclaim our Divine Birthrights and to fulfill our Divine Potentials. As we take charge of our lives, we will be effective examples for our loved ones and friends. We will be positive catalysts, and the results of our efforts will be exponential. We are all One, and the Universal Law is “As I Am lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me.” We can each make a positive difference. As we change our lives, we will change the direction for Humanity and for all Life evolving on this planet. Never underestimate your ability to be a powerful force of good on this planet.

You have been preparing for a very long time to fulfill the mission you agreed to accomplish in this lifetime. Not only do you have the skill, talent, wisdom, courage and strength to accomplish your mission, our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven are standing in readiness eagerly awaiting the opportunity to assist you. These selfless Beings of Light are with you now. From inner levels they guide and protect you, and they intervene to help you every time you ask them to. You are never alone. If you ever feel doubtful that you have the power to make a positive difference in this world, just remember the entire Company of Heaven is there to help you every time you ask for their assistance.

When you begin to create a plan to make a positive difference in your life, the first step is to take a good look at your life as it exists right now. In order to change your life, you must first be aware of what presently exists. So take some time to evaluate your life as an objective observer. This is not a time to berate, criticize, or condemn yourself for past mistakes. That only adds more negative energy to the situation. The purpose of this evaluation is to help you see what it is you like about your life, and what it is you would like to change. Usually people know their lives are not what they want them to be, and they may be aware of some major problems, such as finances or health, but they have never actually taken the time to evaluate their overall lives. This is a crucial step toward making a positive difference, so invest the time to take a thorough inventory of your life.

In order for you to succeed in transforming your life, you need to plan where you are going. You need to have objectives and goals. Most people spend so much time worrying and dwelling on the things that they do not want in their lives that they have not taken the time to figure out what they really do want. Remember, what you think about, what you hold in your mind and put your attention and energy into, you draw into your life. So it is time to stop worrying about the things that you do not want and start focusing on the things that you do want.

Patterns of thinking and emotional responses are usually habits you have allowed yourself to develop without much conscious awareness. Now that you have decided to take charge of your life, you no longer need to just muddle through the day. Instead, you can deliberately control your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Since it is a natural law that what you put your attention and energy into, you draw into your life. It is only logical that you take the steps necessary to let go of destructive programming and begin creating for yourself a fulfilling, happy, harmonious, abundant, and peaceful life.

Most people rarely feel that they are negative; so one of the things I have them do is keep a scratch tally for an entire week of every negative thought or feeling they experience. Notice I said EVERY negative thought or feeling. This includes the little, trivial, petty things that you allow to pop into your mind, such as the person that pulls in front of your car that you think is a jerk, or the service you received that you feel was lousy, or the lady at the supermarket that you think is a slob, or the disgust you have for yourself for overeating, or the anger you feel if the car breaks down, and on and on.

My experience has been that by the end of the week even so-called positive people have several sheets of tally marks and are astounded at how often they were negative and shocked at how oblivious they were about their negative thinking. So, the next step toward your decision to make a positive difference in the world is to observe your daily responses for an entire week. Pay very close attention to your thoughts and feelings and keep a simple scratch tally of every negative thought or feeling you have. Do not empower the negative thought by writing it down, just keep a scratch tally of it.

This is a very valuable exercise because it clearly shows how many times every single day you are misqualifying energy without even realizing it.

Many people are wallowing in the poor me syndrome. They feel that they are really good people, but all of these terrible things keep happening to them anyway. What this exercise reveals is that we may not be doing catastrophically negative things like mugging people or robbing a bank, but we are often nickel-and-dimeing ourselves to death with trivial pettiness.

Once you complete this exercise and acknowledge that you may not be controlling your thoughts or feelings, but just allowing them to happen, you can move on to the next step of changing those bad habits and begin to take control of your thoughts, words, and deeds.

Each time you put forth the effort to deliberately program yourself into constructive thinking, the stronger you will become and the more natural the positive response will be. Before you know it, your pattern of thinking will automatically be positive instead of negative, and you will have established a new constructive habit.

While you are going through this process of gaining control of your thoughts and feelings, you need to be tolerant and forgiving of yourself. If you find negative thinking or negative feelings creeping into your consciousness, you need to stop, empty your mind of the negative thought or feeling, take a deep breath, regroup, and then look for the positive side of the situation you are dealing with. Don't give any more power to the negative thought by berating or condemning yourself for the transgression. Just let it go, flood it with the Violet Flame of Forgiveness, and focus on the positive side of the situation, no matter how small.

Begin your new habit of positive thinking by looking for the positive side of every person, place, condition, or thing you encounter. The general rule is that we can easily spot the flaws in other people, but unless someone is a genius or looks like a Greek God or Goddess, we rarely notice their positive attributes. In this exercise you must go out of your way to search for something good in every single person, place, condition, and thing you come in contact with. Sometimes this is a real challenge. Some people you know may seem so objectionable that the only thing you will be able to appreciate about them is the color of their socks, but you must find something good in every instance.

After practicing this for a while, you will come to the realization that, no matter how bad things seem or how degenerate a person may appear, there is a spark of hope in every situation and a spark of Light in every person. By consciously putting your attention on that one redeeming quality, rather than giving momentum and power to the negative, you can turn that destructive situation into a positive experience, and you can often give the negative person the incentive he or she needs to find a better way of behaving. This may sound too good to be true, but I assure you that this is the natural Law of Attraction, and it is as accurate and as workable as the Laws of Mathematics, Music, Physics, or any other science.

The next exercise I want to share with you is designed to help you reprogram your thinking with positive affirmations. People who have used positive affirmations have always known that they work, but they have rarely understood exactly why. Now, with more and more research, we are learning how the process works.

Through positive affirmations, we can deliberately send forth constructive thoughtforms that will accumulate additional positive energy and return to us, bringing with them what we are affirming. The difference between a prayer and an affirmation is that in prayer we are usually humbly asking for something, and in an affirmation we are actually invoking God and our I AM Presence to command Universal Light substance to flow through us constructively to create whatever perfection it is that we are affirming.

There is another very important reason why affirmations work. When we make a positive affirmation, we begin with the words I AM. These two words invoke our I AM Presence and connect us directly to our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, All That Is. This all encompassing Presence of God is the Universal Source of All Life.

Everything in the Universe is comprised of electronic Light substance vibrating at different frequencies with various densities. The words I AM reflect the all-encompassing Oneness of all Life. “I” represents Alpha, the beginning, “AM” represents Omega or the ending, meaning our Father-Mother God, the Universal Source of All Life, is the beginning and the ending of all that exists.

When we invoke the Light of God by using the words I AM the Light automatically responds. It flows through our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings and obeys our affirmations.

Affirmations are designed to help us begin reprogramming our negative thinking into positive thinking. The longer energy is accustomed to flowing through the brain in a particular pattern, the easier it is to just keep flowing in the same pattern. For instance, if we are used to being critical or judgmental of others, that is a pattern we have developed and the energy flows very easily into that groove of the brain. If we want to change that habit, we have to consciously begin developing a new groove through which this energy can flow. The more we withhold the energy from the negative, critical pattern and send it forth through the new constructive pattern, the sooner we will have changed the bad habit.

When we first begin observing our behavioral responses, we are usually shocked and a little overwhelmed at how ingrained our trivial, petty patterns are, and it seems as though it will be a monumental task to overcome them. However, once you begin to consciously take control of your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings, the changes will take place much more quickly than you can envision at this time. Once you really develop the habit of positive thinking, the critical, petty, trivial things that so easily pop into your mind now will not be part of your consciousness.

With positive affirmations, we form new constructive grooves in our thinking patterns. For this reason it is important to read your affirmations the first thing in the morning and the last thing before going to bed at night. The exercise in the morning will begin the constructive flow of energy through the brain and set your attitude for the new day.

The exercise at night will help by drawing the positive affirmations into your subconscious mind; so, you can reprogram yourself while you sleep, as in sleep learning. Research is proving that what we think about at night before we go to sleep is carried into the subconscious mind, so it is a good idea to put your attention on something constructive. For heaven’s sake, don't watch the news just before going to sleep.


I AM weaving my gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, strength, courage, compassion and love into the tapestry of the Divine Plan for the New Earth.

I AM responding to my Heart’s Call, and I AM God in Action.

I AM Consecrating my thoughts, words, feelings and actions to be the greatest force of good I can be on this planet.

I AM making a positive difference every day.

Through the focus of my attention, I AM expressing the following Divine Truths:

I AM One with ALL Life. I AM Divine Love. I AM Infinite Abundance.
I AM the Harmony of my true Being. I AM Vibrantly Healthy and Eternally Youthful. I AM a Peace Commanding Presence.

The actions I take everyday improve my family, my job, my community, my city, my country and the world.

I have a Healing Touch. I AM communing everyday with my Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven.

Through my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings I AM Transfiguring this planet into the New Earth.

And so it is.

(From I AM Cocreating the New Earth. A Book of Invocations.
available on our website: )

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

Monday, November 2, 2009

So-called Economics is a Rockefeller con-job

The so-called science of economics is, to a large extent, a con-job created by the Rockefellers and their clan of robber barons. In reality it is a camouflaged system for extracting tribute payments from the masses.

To understand this, think of the U.S. economy (and many other economies) as an ancient Babylonian or Egyptian kingdom. Replace control over the central bank with control over grain reserves and think of workers who are not in primary industries as slaves who receive their grain reserves from the god king. Then imagine the god king wants to spend as much money for his own glory and as little for his slaves as possible.

The king decides to set everyone to the job of building a pyramid. So, he tells his subjects that the key to their happiness is something called Gross National Pyramid. The king wants his pyramid finished quickly so he decides that both males and females should be set to work on its construction. He also decreed that workers must work 10 or 12 hours a day instead of the previous 8. Furthermore, he orders rations cut for workers who do not meet their quota.

To keep the workers from protesting, he restricts their access to information, forces them to attend thousands of hours of brainwashing sessions and uses a large portion of his grain reserves to hire an army of mercenaries to keep watch over the slaves. The news bulletins the masses are permitted to see announce that everybody is happier now because the pyramid is bigger and better than ever before and the aristocracy is leading ever more decadent lifestyles. Somehow, the masses know there is something wrong with the situation but they are not quite sure what it is because it has been so cleverly disguised.

This essentially, is how the U.S. economy really works. Just remember that GNP really means Gross National Pyramid, not Product. The Rockefellers have forced middle-class incomes down and forced both men and women to work in order to finance some giant secret project. They have also artificially jacked up the price of oil and put people into debt in order to extract even more from everybody.

Americans and Japaneese are being impoverished to finance their long-term goal is to enslave all of humanity. To make economics work for the people instead of for the robber barons, it is essential that the government shift its priority economic goal away from increasing GNP. A new standard should use mean income (the level at which half of all people are either above or below) and overall happiness as the goal of economic policy makers.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Cosmic Shift

Want some perspective? You got it ;

1. Humanity and Planet Earth are currently going through a huge consciousness and reality perception.

2. The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge. Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet. It has never erred. They actually have 22 calendars in total, covering the many timing cycles in the Universe and Solar System. Some of these calendars are yet to be revealed.

3. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012. So we are currently "between worlds". This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing. This means the real truth will be revealed. It is also the time for us to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively.

4. The Mayan sixth world is actually blank. This means it is up to us, as co-creators, to start creating the new world and civilization we want now.

5. The Mayans also say that by 2012 ;

- we will have gone beyond technology as we know it
- we will have gone beyond time and money
- we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension
- Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe
- Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) from the centre of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku)

6. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete. Virgil Armstrong also says that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A cosmic event!

7. Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. It is now over 12 cycles per second! This mean there is the equivalent of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. Another interpretation is - we, or rather Consciousness have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating. (see Mayan Calendar Central)

8. During the Apocalypse or the time "between worlds" many people will be going through many personal changes. The changes will be many and varied. It is all part of what we came here to learn or experience. Examples of change could be- relationships coming to an end, change of residence or location, change of job or work, shift in attitude or thinking etc.

9. Remember, in any given moment we are making small and large decisions. Each decision is based on LOVE or FEAR. Choose love, follow your intuition, not intellect and follow your passion or "burning inner desire." Go with the flow.

10. Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgemental ones.

11. Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problem­reaction­solution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place.

12. Remember almost nothing happens by accident. Almost all "events" are planned by some agency or other. Despite this, it is a very exciting time to be alive!

The truth shall set you free!

"Everybody on this planet is mutating. Some are more conscious of it than others. But everyone is doing it" - Extraterrestrial Earth Mission.


* Migraine headaches, tiredness

* Electrical sensations in the limbs and spinal column

* Cramps in the muscular networks

* Flu like symptoms

* Intense dreams.

* The human body will become more sensitive as a result of the new vibrations.

* The resonance of Earth has been 7.8Hz for thousands of years.
Since 1980 it has risen to over 12Hz.
This means that 16 hours now equate to a 24 hour day. Time is speeding up!

* The physical body has already begun to change. A new light body is being created.

* Our DNA is being re-activated from the Universe (as predicted in the Mayan Prophecy).
We are going from 2 strand back to 12 strand DNA.

* Greater intuitive and healing abilities will emerge.

* Eyes will become cat like in order to adjust to the new atmosphere and light.

* All newly born children will probably be telepathic at birth.

* All plagues of the 90's, including AIDS will be gone.

Are you feeling the Quickening?

The Shift of the Ages has already begun!

Ancient prophecies predicted it. Indigenous traditions honor it.

Changes within the Earth are affecting our sleep patterns, relationships, the ability to regulate your immune system and your perception of time. We are living a process of initiation that was demonstrated over 2,000 years ago, preparing you to accept tremendous change within your body.

That change is happening now.




Reposted October 17, 2009

Since the beginning of human existence on our planet Earth, Satan, who represents the dark forces of evil, and his puppets have twisted and hidden Truth. The Truthbringers have been killed and their writings have been deliberately distorted to give people disinformation and lies.

All knowledge such as history, science, and religion have been altered to conceal Truth. The "holy books" given as guides to mankind have especially been altered to hide Truth. This was done deliberately so we would break the Laws of God by freely choosing evil over good. Our soul growth would be stopped and Satan would win, because he now controlled our free-will.

One last time Truth is now being brought again to Earth's people. Some people have sincerely prayed to the One true God of Light, Aton, for help. God Aton (Creator God) has honored those petitions and has sent the "Hosts of Heaven" to help us. The Hosts of Heaven are our cosmic brothers and sisters from Pleiades, and from Sirius and other star systems of the Cosmos. Some people call them angels, even though they are HU-man (Higher Universal-man) and look like us. Others call them aliens. These cosmic humans are from 5th and higher dimensions or heaven. We of Earth are of third dimension (3D). They have higher frequencies than we do, have greater technology, and are part of the Heavenly Realms. There is no evil in 5th and higher dimensions, thus, they come in love and light. They have come to bring us Truth one more time before the end of this last 3D civilization on our Earth.

The Pleiadians from the star-group the "Seven Sisters" or the Pleiades, and other Brothers and Sisters of Light are presently orbiting our Earth in their starships. Some of them have been here since the 1930's in their starships and on the Earth in human form. Their starships appear in the night sky as flashing or twinkling stars. Many of these ships have strobing rainbow colored lights and appear as flashing red, blue, gold, green, and white lights. They can be easily seen on a clear, dark night to the naked eye.

The message they bring is Truth. Some of this Truth has been transmitted by radio signal code from Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn's command ship, The Phoenix, to his scribe, Doris Ekker (Dharma), who lived with her husband, E.J. Ekker, at Tehachapi , California . Dharma converted these radio signal transmissions into written form by computer. This written form was then published in the international newspaper, Contact and in the Phoenix Journals. These Phoenix Journals are Creator God’s Truth given again especially to us in our time in unaltered form. You are encouraged to read them and discern for yourself what is Truth. I suggest that you begin by reading the basic Phoenix Journals which are numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 27, and 47. This message of Truth that the Hosts of God Aton bring to us today is simple, yet very upsetting to many people as they discover the "lie" of Satan. I shall state this message as concisely as possible -- the Truth in a "Nutshell".

We live on a planet we call "Earth". This word "earth" is a generic term for "planet". The universe contains many "earths", each with a cosmic name. The Cosmic name for our earth is "Shan", meaning the planet of tears, so the Heavenly Realms refer to our earth as Earth Shan. We sometimes call our earth, "Mother Earth". The cosmic name which means "mother earth" is Gaia. Our Gaia or Mother Earth is really a living sentient being. As a mother, our Earth contains life and energy frequencies. She births us, nourishes us, and sustains our life.

We, the people on Earth-Shan, have been tricked into believing lies and misinformation about every aspect of our existence. We have been told the lie that God Aton is a God of wrath and judgment. God Aton is the God of Light and Love. He created us in His image (HU-man), with a free-will to choose our pathway of either good or evil.

We have been told the lie that God Aton lives in "heaven", and that He sits on His throne and rules and judges the world. The Truth is that God Aton lives within each of His creations. He lives within us as our God Spirit. Our physical body is His temple. By free-will choice our thoughts can become God Aton’s thoughts. We have the mind of God Aton within. We have God Aton’s power within. Thus, we have the power to mind-create as God Aton mind-creates! This is Truth, and our God Spirit within us knows this Truth, for our God Spirit knows all Truth.

Our pathway of soul progression is like a giant spiral. To move at all along our pathway is to move either upward or downward. Because life is dynamic, that is ever changing, we never stand still. We are always moving upward into the Light or downward into the Darkness. With God Aton there is no middle ground. We are either living on the side of goodness or on the side of evil, of soul perfection or of soul regression.

We have been told that reincarnation is untrue. This statement is part of Satan's "lie". Esu Immanuel taught reincarnation to his disciples. He taught that the purpose of human life on this planet is to provide experiences through which we are to perfect our soul. Over many lifestreams we continue with our lessons in soul perfection until, through our freewill choices, we have learned to choose good over evil. Our goal is to learn to live the Laws of God and the Laws of Creation in balance and harmony and to become One with God Aton, our Creator, again. In 525 A.D. the Second Council of Constantinople was held by the church fathers to alter the "scriptures" for their evil intent. At that time, for example, they removed all of the teachings of Esu Immanuel concerning reincarnation and any specific reference to starships from the "holy bible". Reincarnation, aliens or off-world humans, and cosmic travel by starship are facts that were removed from the early writings.

Another lie is that we are not really responsible for the evil we have done, because "God will save us". God will forgive us because he sacrificed His Son on some cross somewhere to pay for our sins to avenge God's wrath. Does a God of Love deliberately allow His Son to be killed as a sacrifice for a lot of very evil people? Of course not! The basic Law of the Cosmos, the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Return states that there is a cause and an effect for all that happens. Stated in another way the Law of Returns says that you shall reap what you sow. This means that everyone is responsible for their choices and actions. These Satanic cult lies would have us believe otherwise. The Truth is that we all are responsible for our choices between good and evil. We are held responsible for breaking any of the Laws of God Aton and of Creation. There is no one who will "make it right" for us but ourselves. No one is going to "save" us from our sins! We are held personally responsible for every Cosmic Law we break.

The Truth is that Esu Immanuel came as a Truthbringer, the son of Archangel Gabriel. He did not die as reported, but survived the murder attempt (crucifixion) against him by the Khazarian Zionist Jews (Pharisees). He fled to India , married, had a family, traveled widely, and taught Truth until his death in Kashmir at the age of 107 years. Esu did not come to save anyone. He brought the Laws of God and the Laws of Creation again to Earth's people. God does not judge us. We judge ourselves according to those Laws. God does not save us. We save ourselves by living according to the Laws of God and Creation. At the end of each of our lifestreams we again stand alone before God Aton and judge ourselves concerning our soul growth and soul perfection. We then determine where we shall go for our next lifestream of lessons.

Another lie told to us by Satan and his followers is that there will be a "rapture", that Esu Immanuel would return in the clouds at the end of the age and sweep up the "faithful" into "heaven" in some magical way. Esu never taught this. In fact, the word "rapture" is not even found in the "bible"! It is the disciple, Paul, and others who distorted Esu’s teachings years later. Esu did say that he would return at the end of this civilization after 2000 years of study. He would be given a new name, he would be victorious over Satan, and the Kingdom of Heaven would be established on Earth Shan at that time.

Esu’s real name was Esu Immanuel. Immanuel means "God with us". The name, "Jesus Christ", which means "the anointed one", which denotes deity was assigned to him years later by his enemies. Esu Immanuel has now been given a new name by the Heavenly Realms. This name is “Sananda”, which means "One with God". Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus) returned to Earth-Shan in 1954, and is now waiting for God Aton’s orders to announce the establishment of Creator God Aton’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Shan. Sananda travels the way all celestial beings travel, by starship. He is presently aboard the command ship, The Phoenix, awaiting his orders from Creator God Aton.

Other lies we have been told are that the life of Earth-Shan, our "Mother Earth", goes on indefinitely, and that mankind began life on this planet with Adam and Eve. The Truth of our human history on this planet goes back 206 million years. Earth-Shan, within the Milky Way Galaxy, completes one "great orbit" around the "Greatest Central Sun", the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, every 206 million years. Earth-Shan completed its twenty-second "great orbit" on August 17, 1987. At the beginning of our last "great orbit" (206 million years ago) humans were placed on Earth-Shan. Past civilizations have had an average length of 10,000 to 12,000 years; therefore, many civilizations have existed on our Earth prior to our present one. The Truth is that "Adam and Eve" date back only 10,000 to 12,000 years.

Earth humans were given one "great cycle" (206 million years) to learn and follow the Laws of God Aton and of Creation to achieve soul perfection, and thus to bring our civilization into total harmony and balance with the Laws of God Aton and Creation. This was never achieved because humans, with the exercising of their freewill, did not learn to properly choose between good and evil. They chose not to follow God Aton’s Laws and the Laws of Creation. In fact, Satan and his evil followers re-wrote those laws and deliberately twisted the Truth to trick everyone.

Earth Shan as a celestial body has now earned the cosmic right to move into a higher dimension. This process began at the end of the last "great orbit" or on August 17, 1987. Earth Shan is now going through a cleansing process of earth changes to remove all the human-caused pollution and negative energies residing upon her. Cosmic law states that no evil is allowed beyond fourth dimension. Because Earth-Shan now is moving into fifth dimension, all evil must be removed from her. At some point soon everyone must leave this planet!

This is precisely why our Pleiadian brothers and sisters have come at this time, and this is why Sananda has returned. They bring Truth. Those of us who are enlightened to Truth and are living the Laws of God and Creation will be evacuated to safety. We will go with our planet into fifth dimension (Heaven on Earth). Those who chose not to listen to Truth, but to wait for their "fake rapture" to occur, will be recycled back to another 3D dark planet through reincarnation. There, they will continue in their soul perfection at the various levels where they left off in this lifestream. Others will go to the caves to start over again, and others will go to the Void (Hell), where there is no Light. They will have many planets from which to choose for their next lessons, as there are more than 178 billion life-supporting planets within our Milky Way Galaxy alone.

As God Aton decreed, one more time Truth would go out to the fourwinds. One last time Truth would be brought to everyone on Earth Shan. This is now happening! Truth is now being given freely one more time to everyone on Earth Shan. Please consider that God Aton did not decree that you had to listen to Truth, read Truth or believe Truth. With your own freewill, you must choose. With your God Spirit within, you will know. This is now your opportunity to choose, for this is Truth being presented to you one last time. God Aton, the Hosts of Heaven and Space Command give no guarantee that you will be presented the Truth ever again in this lifestream, if you do not listen now. May you choose wisely.

We are fast approaching “the end of the age”, the end of our Earth’s last civilization in third dimension and the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment. Earth Shan, as a sentient being, has asked, and Creator God Aton has decreed that this present 3D civilization is the last one for our planet. She shall go through her normal cleansing via earth changes and be restored to her original pristine condition in the higher frequencies of fifth dimension, where no evil exists. [A discussion of coming earth changes and planetary evacuation can be found in Phoenix Journal #4, Chapters 8 and 9, and Phoenix Journal #5, Chapter 5 :].

This is Truth. Whether you choose to accept what is written here as Truth is your decision. I cannot convince you of anything. Only through your God Spirit within can you know Truth. If you sincerely seek Truth, God Aton has promised that you shall find it. Truth is freedom of the soul. Truth is total joy in being and knowing. I urge you to ponder this most carefully.

There won't be a 'rapture' - with some being chosen to "ascend into heaven" and some not. It's all up to us to become informed and make a choice - to embrace the Divine Spark of God within each of us and think with the heart and not the head. It's that simple. Don't hate, don't judge or blame or thirst for revenge. Stay balanced and keep the love....

Australia plays a very important part in establishing the new template or paradigm for the new world, believe it or not. You are all going to be a part of this, if you choose.

Michael Jackson and 2012

I just watched the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" last night. Michael's message was so clear to me. He wants everyone to LOVE each other and to bring our attention to the world we live in. His fame put him in a position where he could reach and inspire millions. His passion was music, and he used this to bring us together. He loved nature and felt nourished by it. He said - (paraphrased) "Don't wait for the government to take action, we must do the work ourselves. It is the people who must take responsibility for the planet and the state that its in".
Here's the clincher. Towards the end of the movie, he gathered his performers and crew around in a circle to speak with them. He said (paraphrased) "WE ONLY HAVE 4 MORE YEARS TO MAKE THIS RIGHT". I know what he meant by this. He was talking about 2012 and the galactic alignment. Michael knew about 2012 and the coming opportunity to change everything for the better.
God bless you Michael. Thank you for speaking your truth and pushing the boundaries.
Watch the movie and hear his words for yourself.

Monday, October 26, 2009







"Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." - Robert F. Kennedy 1966 Speech

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein

Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The Disclosure Project
Steven M. Greer, MD, Director and Founder
Copyright 2009 Steven M. Greer, M.D.

January 23, 2009

Dear President Obama,

Since the mid-1950s, classified projects connected to extraterrestrial matters have operated outside of constitutionally required oversight and control by the President and Congress. This constitutes a grave and ongoing threat to US national security and global security and peace.

The implications of this subject are such that no aspect of life on Earth will be unaffected by its Disclosure. We are acutely aware that this subject is highly controversial and suffers from great social opprobrium within certain elite circles and within the mainstream media.

Indeed, secrecy on the subject has, in part, been maintained by a carefully orchestrated psychological nexus of ridicule, fear, intimidation and disinformation that makes it difficult for any public figure to openly address the matter.

Moreover, the 'bubble' of security and access restrictions that surround the Office of the President makes it very difficult for POTUS to receive accurate information and advice on the subject. The consequences of this secrecy, combined with the psychological aspects mentioned above, have ensured that none of your predecessors have been able to effectively manage this problem. This has led to an unacknowledged crisis that will be the greatest of your Presidency.

Because of this misguided secrecy, the wondrous new sciences related to advanced energy generation, propulsion and transportation have been withheld from the people. These advances include the generation of limitless clean energy from the so-called zero point energy field and quantum vacuum flux field from the space around us, and propulsion that has been termed (incorrectly) anti-gravity. The field of electromagnetic energy that is teeming all around us and which is embedded within the fabric of space/time can easily run all of the energy needs of the Earth - without pollution, oil, gas, coal, centralized utilities or nuclear power.

The disclosure of these sciences and their wise application during your first term as President is the most pressing matter before you. These sciences will create a true new energy economy allowing mankind to solve our most pressing problems of global warming, poverty and resource depletion.

The constellation of problems that include global warming, biosphere degradation, air pollution, energy security, Mid-East policy, a collapsing geo-economic order, growing disparity between the poor and rich of the world, over-population and human sustainability on Earth, to name but a few, are all interconnected and directly affected by the secrecy surrounding this subject. The solutions lie not in old thinking and technologies but in a new consciousness applying new sciences. These sciences were born in the late 19th and 20th centuries but were abandoned and suppressed due to the lust for power, greed and out of fear of unsettling the status quo.

It is time for a new Emancipation Declaration - one that frees all of humanity from the shackles of economic slavery that results from secret centralized power, corruption and global economic hegemony. The world will not find justice and peace so long as half of the world's population lives in poverty while the other half cannibalizes the Earth to maintain its standard of living. This dire situation can and must be transformed into a world of abundance, clean and plentiful energy and genuine sustainability. On this foundation, with these new sciences, technologies and a new consciousness, we can move forward as a people, united and in peace. Then and only then will we be welcome amongst the other civilizations of the cosmos.

That we are not alone in the universe is now a scientific given. That we have been visited already by advanced civilizations - whose interests here are likely ancient - is controversial. However, in my discussions with European, Vatican, Canadian and other leaders around the world, a growing consensus exists that we have been visited and the time for disclosing this information is long past due. More importantly, an appropriate diplomatic initiative is needed to communicate with these extraterrestrial visitors within a framework of universal peace, free from the past dominance of militarism and paranoia.

Insofar as upwards of 80% of the American people think that 'UFOs' are real, and that some aspect of the government is lying to them about it, continued secrecy redounds only to the benefit of the precious few who profit from such secrecy. This secrecy undermines the credibility of the US and other governments, and allows the cancer of unchecked covert power - forewarned by President Eisenhower in his last address to the nation - to metastasize throughout the world. It now threatens the very life of Earth.

Moreover, there exists a secret, 'unacknowledged' operation that has used very advanced electromagnetic weapon systems to track, target, and on occasion, but with increasing accuracy, down extraterrestrial vehicles. This reckless behavior constitutes an existential threat to all of mankind and must be reined in immediately.

The so-called MJ-12 or Majestic group that controls this subject operates without the consent of the people, or the oversight of the President and Congress. It functions as a transnational government unto itself, answerable to no one. All checks and balances have been obliterated. While as a governing entity it stands outside of the rule of law, its influence reaches into many governments, corporations, agencies, media and financial interests. Its corrupting influence is profound and, indeed, it has operated as a very powerful and embedded global RICO whose power to date remains unchecked.

Upwards of $100 billion of USG funds go annually into this operation, also known as the 'black budget' of the United States - enough to provide universal health care to every man, woman and child in America.

When I first briefed Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey on this matter in December of 1993, only a third of this governing group was in favor of what we were recommending: Disclosure of the fact that we are not alone in the universe and the careful release of advanced energy generation systems that would replace oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. Sources now inform me that upwards of two-thirds of this group now support such an initiative.

Interests in Europe, the Vatican and Asia, especially France and China, are urging Disclosure. If the United States does not move forward, these other interests will, and America will be left behind and become increasingly irrelevant in the world. This cannot be allowed to happen.

The European and Asian arenas will move with or without US involvement at some point in the very near future, as well they should. Six decades of secrecy is enough.

We are also morally obliged to warn you of an existing highly secretive plan to use advanced technologies to hoax an 'alien attack' on Earth. There exists within the direct control of this Majestic group assets capable of launching such a false flag operation and virtually every person on Earth, as well as most leaders, would be deceived by it. Components of this operation have been tested on the public over the past 50 years and include, but are not limited to:

* Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) - these are advanced anti-gravity aircraft that have been fully operational since at least the late 1950s to early 1960s. Many so-called UFO reports by civilians and military personnel are of such ARVs. They constitute an unacknowledged or 'black' Air Force and these ARVs are capable of extraordinary speed, maneuverability and lift/hover. By 2009, these technologies had gone through many generations of refinement and, if deployed, could easily hoax or simulate an Extraterrestrial Vehicle (ETV). (Note that a UFO is a nonspecific term and could be either an ARV or an ETV.)

* Programmed Life Forms (PLFs) - these are well-crafted alien-appearing creatures that, while completely manmade, often deceive unknowing people as 'aliens'. The stagecraft, genetics and other sciences associated with these creatures are beyond the scope of this brief, but are very well developed. I have personally been briefed by multiple independent corroborating sources regarding the development and deployment of PLFs. These creatures, used in conjunction with ARVs, have convincingly launched the pop culture fervor over 'alien abductions'. Victims of such paramilitary human-controlled abductions genuinely believe that they have been abducted by 'aliens' and often have physical stigmata and 'implants' to prove it. These implants are also manmade and we have information about the laboratory and corporation making these items. (See attached documents)

* Chemical, optical and electromagnetic systems to assist with creating an alteration in awareness are components of the 'stagecraft' used to hoax an 'alien' event.

The vast majority of information in the public domain on the UFO subject is, therefore, carefully orchestrated disinformation designed to prepare the populace, as well as our leaders, for a non-existent 'alien threat'. The psychological warfare implications of this were described in the 1950s in CIA documents and are further elucidated by other documents and testimony. No less a figure than Wernher Von Braun warned of this cosmic deception.

The objective of such a false flag operation is the creation of an enemy in space that would unite the world behind a global military power against such an 'alien threat'. President Reagan and other leaders have been targeted with such disinformation, which is designed to secure their silence or cooperation with the agenda of secrecy and space weaponization. The President needs to be careful to avoid being similarly deceived.

After very careful review of all data and documents and after interviewing hundreds of top secret witnesses, we have concluded that the actual extraterrestrial presence is distinctly non-hostile. In light of the reckless and aggressive nature of many of our covert military actions and the extraordinarily advanced technologies that permit interstellar travel by these extraterrestrial civilizations, if they were hostile, human civilization would have been dealt with decisively at the dawn of the nuclear era.

These visitors, however, appear to be very concerned with unchecked human hostility, war-making and weapons of mass destruction, combined with our early potential for space travel. The tendency for people to engage in anthropocentric projection leads many to assume a threat where none exists. It is more likely that humanity may be seen as a threat to the cosmic order, insofar as we have failed to restrain the expansion of weapons of mass destruction while attempting to push farther and farther into space. Moreover, we have failed to initiate an enlightened and peaceful diplomatic mission to these extraterrestrial visitors. This needs to change immediately.

Disclosure of this subject must be very carefully planned and positioned as a hopeful and elevating moment in human history. A poorly positioned Disclosure that demonizes these visitors or frightens the public may prove more harmful than secrecy.

As you may know, my uncle was the senior project engineer who worked on the Lunar Module that took Neil Armstrong to the moon. The reason we were not welcome in space then is because the passport to traverse the universe is a stable peaceful world civilization that will go into space united and in peace.

In this regard, world peace and universal peace are two sides of the same coin. Once we vow to live peacefully on Earth and go into space only in peace, we will be welcome with open arms. Until then, a type of cosmic quarantine exists - rightly - around the Earth.

Unfortunately, the media and movie industry are highly penetrated by interests loyal to the Majestic group, which has used the media to, in turns, ridicule the subject and present terrifying images of 'alien invasion'. In short, the populace is almost thoroughly brainwashed on the matter, and this presents a further hurdle that must be carefully taken into account when planning Disclosure.

Nevertheless, the status quo can no longer hold and fundamental change is urgently needed. To this end, we urge the President to undertake a number of initiatives as soon as possible. We recommend that the President:

* Appoint a Special Presidential Task Force to investigate this matter, identify covert facilities and assets (see attached summary) and reassert Executive control over these projects;

* Identify and immediately stand-down operations that are covertly targeting Extraterrestrial Vehicles, weaponizing space and engaging in rogue disinformation projects;

* Develop response plans to minimize the risks related to potential false flag operations that intend to hoax a hostile 'alien' presence, including preparations with military, intelligence and international institutions;

* Form The Council on Interplanetary Relations to coordinate a peaceful, forward looking and non-militarized response to the extraterrestrial presence. The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (see ) has an 18 year ongoing project to establish such contact and can assist with this process. CSETI, working with other governments and world figures, will form such a Council if the US government decides not to do so within the next 12 months;

* Immediately fund the study, development and careful release of those new energy technologies that can quickly replace fossil fuels and nuclear power. (See ). Note that these technologies, since they acquire energy from the zero point energy field of space/time, will allow for the retirement of the electric energy grid. We are in possession of documents and information regarding key facilities and assets connected to these technologies (see attached documents). We recommend that the propulsion and transportation aspects of these technologies (electro-magneto-gravitic systems) be released at a later time when the world security situation has improved;

* Establish high-ranking liaisons with Congress, the UN and other governments to coordinate these projects and the release of the new energy technologies;

* The National Security Council needs to form a section specifically addressing the international, interplanetary and macroeconomic implications of this disclosure and urgently prepare for the release of these technologies;

The Orion Project ( has identified key scientists to assist with the development of these new energy technologies. They have agreed to work with us, but are being prevented from doing so, one by a compartmented operation (TS SCI) to which he is assigned. We request an action by the Office of the President to specifically permit them to work with us with the full support and protection of the President. We cannot over-emphasize how important it is that these people be assigned to this critical task: In less than 1 year, we would have new energy generators developed to run America free from oil, gas, coal or nuclear power.

President Obama, we stand ready to assist you and your Administration with these and other tasks, and pledge to you our full support. I will personally fulfill any request from your office with the utmost integrity, discretion and confidentiality.

Please be assured of my heartfelt prayers on your behalf for your guidance, protection and success as you begin your historic role as President of the United States.


Steven M. Greer, MD
The Disclosure Project