Thursday, November 5, 2009


These are excerpts from the "Conversations With God" books by Neale Donald Walsch. These books are literally a God-Send.

Our planet is a mess.
We don’t understand the most basic concepts of civilised societies.
We don’t know how to solve conflict without violence.
We don’t know how to live without fear.
We don’t know to act without self interest.
We don’t know how to love without condition.

Until we are willing to take responsibility for all of it, we cannot change any of it.

We’ve been making the same mistakes for thousands of years. Humankind has not evolved in its most basic instincts much beyond the caveman era. Yet every attempt to change it is met with scorn. Every challenge to look at your values, and maybe even restructure them, is greeted with fear, and then anger.

Most of the human race has decided that the meaning and the purpose and the function of education is to pass on knowledge; that to educate someone is ti give them knowledge- generally, the accumulated knowledge of one’s particular family, clan , tribe , society, nation, and world.

Yet education has little to do with k∑nowledge.
It has to do with Wisdom.
Wisdom is knowledge applied.

When you give your children Wisdom, you do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but rather, how to get to their own truth. Let the child discover for itself. Know this : Knowledge is lost. Wisdom is never forgotten.

In order to protect your way of life, you have built an education system based upon the development in the child of memories, not abilities. Children are taught to remember facts and fictions - the fictions that each society has set up about itself - rather than given the ability to discover and create their own truths. What you have been teaching your children has led toward ignorance, not away from it.

You have not allowed your schools to teach that love is all there is. You have not allowed your schools to speak of a love that is unconditional.
Allow your children to know that they are, first and foremost, spiritual beings inhabiting a body. Treat your children as spirits coming physical bodies, because it is not an easy thing for a spirit to get used to.
Give them as much sense of “unlimitedness” as you possibly can.

Introduce them to the world you have created with gentleness and care. Be full of care - that is to say, be careful - of what you put into their memory storage units. Children remember everything they see, everything they experience.

Why do you place your children in schooled where competition is allowed and encouraged, where being the “best” and learning the “most” is rewarded, where “performance” is graded, and moving at one’s own pace is barely tolerated? What does your child understand from this?
Why do you not teach your children of movement and music and the joy of art and the mystery of fairy tales and the wonder of life? Why do you not bring out what is naturally found in the child, rather than seek to put in what is unnatural to the child?
And why do you not allow your young ones to learn logic, critical thinking, problem solving and creation , using the tools of their intuition and their deepest knowing, rather than the rules and the memorised systems and conclusions of society which has already proven itself to be wholly unable to evolve by these methods, yet continues to use them?

Teach concepts, not subjects.
Devise a new curriculum, and build it around these Three Core Concepts: Awareness , Honesty, and Responsibility.

Teach such courses as;
Understanding Power
Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Elements of Loving Relationships
Personhood and Self Creation
Body Mind and Spirit; How they function
Engaging Creativity
Celebrating Self, Valuing Others
Joyous Sexual Expression
Diversities and Similarities
Ethical Economics
Creative Consciousness and Mind Power
Awareness and Wakefulness
Honesty and Responsibility
Visibility and Transparency
Science and Spirituality
Teach your children these concepts from a young age. Have them run through the curriculum until the final day. Base your entire educational model upon them. Birth all instruction deep within them.

Right now your schools exist solely to provide answers. It would be far more beneficial if their primary function is to ask questions. In your schools, you present data as ‘That Which Is Right’ , when the data should be offered simply as that : data. Past Data should not be the basis of Present Truth.

Teachers emerging from the New Spirituality will understand that asking children to memorise facts is asking them to re-create the past, but that inviting children to explore concepts and ideas invites them to create a new future, for their ideas may be different from yours.

Education from the New Spirituality will deviate from the beaten path. Everything in the child's experience will be contextualised as a spiritual experience at its core. By being immersed in such a context, the student will learn to use spiritual tools to solve life’s problems and to meet life’s challenges.

In the days of the New Spirituality coercion and punishment will not be part of the educational process.

Many people believe that God punishes human beings for not obeying his laws, and that human beings, therefore, have the moral authority and responsibility to do the same to each other. But punishment merely halts behaviour, it does nothing to change it.

Something your children would do well to learn is that there is NO SUCH THING as Right or Wrong, there is only What Works and What Doesn’t Work , given what it is your trying to do.

In the days of the New Spirituality the focus of education will be on Creation.

Duplication is one thing, Creation is another.

The New Spirituality will be about;

~ Showing young people Who They Really Are
~ Opening them up to the Creator Within
~ Allowing them to see and believe in themselves as the Source of their experience, and the Authority of their lives.
~ Returning them to their Inner Wisdom
~ Connecting their minds to their souls, connecting their bodies to their minds, and experiencing all three as one.
~ And ultimately, about experiencing everything as one.

Creating Education will be about experiencing everything as One, and your Self as the Creator. It will be centred around the following major messages:

1. You are One with everyone and everything in the Universe - including God. All thing are part of One Living System.

2. Because you are One with God, you have the power to create what you wish to experience in your life.

3. The way you create is by what you think, say, and do.

4. It is not possible to make a mistake in the process of Creation, and failure is an illusion. Everything that you create is perfect just the way it is - including you.

5. When you create, you are fulfilling the purpose of your life, because creating is how you grow and evolve, and that is what you and all living things are on earth to do.

6. Life itself is your grandest teacher, and it has built-in consequences, but never punishments. Punishment is not part of God’s plan, and has no place in God’s kingdom.
Learning was always meant to be easy - it is actually a process of remembering what your soul has always known.

7. Try to never harm another person, place, or thing in any way, but only to help others and love them as best you can, especially when they have made a mistake or have done something wrong. If you can do this, you will create a friend of just about everyone you know, and when you need one, you will never be without one.

8. There is enough for everyone. It takes very little to be happy, and the fastest way to create happiness is to create happiness for another.

9. Your very best friend is life itself, because it never ends. When the portion of your life on earth is over there will be no “Judgement Day” , no condemnation, and no punishment, but simply and opportunity for you to review all of the thoughts, words and actions of your life, and decide whether you wish to choose again when confronted with similar circumstances. Choice is the process by which you evolve, and ultimately experience Who You Really Are.

Reading, writing and numerics are to be used as tools with which they can create reconciliation, re-creation and re-unification.

In the days of the New Spirituality the priority of education will no longer be the dissemination of facts, but the increasing of sensitivity, awareness, understanding, compassion, acceptance and celebration of the appreciation for the awe and wonder of life.

People must feel empowered to be who they are before they can begin to think about who they might be become. This work of re-creation can be done through Creation education. Yet it must also involve joint efforts by people, governments, and non-governmental organizations around the world.

When children have a reason to learn something - a reason they agree with - you’ll never see learning faster.

In the days of the New Spirituality the function of education will be to draw a Circle of Relevance around the raw data and systems that support life.

“Every teacher should be first, a teacher of humanity, and then a teacher of a subject.”

An early message of the New Spirituality is that you create your own reality, and much time will be spent in Creation Education opening children to their natural abilities, including their psychic abilities and their Manifestation abilities. It will be made clear that God gave you these abilities, that they were given to you to be used, and that there is nothing sinful about them.
The best way to learn something is to teach it. You do not have to know everything there is to know about a subject in order to teach it. You need merely to want to know more about it, and be willing to share your growth process with others.

In the days of the New Spirituality education will be about creating, not a school, but a learning environment.

Remember that good teachers do not try to put something into the student, but rather seek to bring something out of the student.

Your job is to pull wisdom out of others, not to put your wisdom in there. To pull the wisdom out of theirs, you need to know nothing. In fact, the less you know, the better.

~ These are excerpts from the "Conversations With God" books by Neale Donald Walsch. These books are literally a God-Send.

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