Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spritual Principles - Bashar

~ You are a non-physical consciousness that is experiencing physical reality.

~ You were created in the image of The Creator, your essential essence is unconditional love and the experience of ecstasy is your birthright.

~ You are here on Earth at this time because you chose to be.

~ The highest purpose of your life is to be yourself to the best of your ability and live each moment as fully as possible.

~ You always have free will and the freedom to choose.

~ Anything you can imagine is possible for you to experience.

~ You attract your life experiences through the interaction of your strongest beliefs, emotions and actions.

~ Excitement is the physical translation of the vibrational resonance that is your true, core natural being. Follow your excitement!

~ You are naturally abundant and your choices are always supported by Creation.

~ There are only Four Laws in Creation:

1. You exist.
2. The One is All and the All are One .
3. What you put out is what you get back.
4. Change is the only constant...

Except for the first three laws, which never change.

~ There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.

~ You create the past and the future from the here and now.

~ You are an eternal being and while you may change your form, you cannot cease to exist.

~ Everything you experience is another aspect of yourself.

~ You are loved so unconditionally by Creation that you can even choose to believe that you are not loved.

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