Monday, May 3, 2010

Is Hawking affirming time travel theory ?

For those of you who are not already aware, Time Travel is a reality. The Elite have been in possession of this technology for quite a while. They are using it. They are hiding it. This is one technology of many that will be revealed once Disclosure transpires.

Below is an excerpt from David Wilcock's site Here we see the fear machine at work. The Elite wants the public to fear ET's. I'm not sure Hawking is aware of the extent to which his insights may be used as propaganda. Please stay open minded and do your own research.

Stephen Hawking – Aliens Are Real and May Be a Threat

...Hawking’s logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.

“To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational,” he said. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.”…

Hawking has suggested the possibility of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon.

So far, all the new planets found have been far larger than Earth, but only because the telescopes used to detect them are not sensitive enough to detect Earth-sized bodies at such distances.

Another breakthrough is the discovery that life on Earth has proven able to colonise its most extreme environments. If life can survive and evolve there, scientists reason, then perhaps nowhere is out of bounds.

Hawking’s belief in aliens places him in good scientific company. In his recent Wonders of the Solar System BBC series, Professor Brian Cox backed the idea, too, suggesting Mars, Europa and Titan, a moon of Saturn, as likely places to look.

Similarly, Lord Rees, the astronomer royal, warned in a lecture earlier this year that aliens might prove to be beyond human understanding.

“I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive,” he said. “Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.”

Hawking suggests that aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.”

Why is Hawking affirming time travel theory and appearing ignorant of DARPA secret time travel?

May 1, 2:00 PMSeattle Exopolitics ExaminerAlfred Lambremont Webre

Fresh from eliciting polarized public responses to public statements urging humanity to avoid any contact with extraterrestrial civilizations on the grounds that all such contact may be dangerous, scientist Stephen Hawking, for over 30 years Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, has now weighed in on the theoretical and operational reality of time travel as part of his Discovery Channel documentary series.

As reported, Hawking’s blanket negative statements about the intentions of extraterrestrial civilizations are reminiscent of U.S. and U.K. military-intelligence propaganda supporting the weaponization of space and a false flag war against extraterrestrials. Prof. Hawking said, “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.”

Prof. Hawking’s statements on time travel can been seen in a segment (Episode 1-5) of the Discovery Channel documentary embedded in the article below. In the documentary segment, Prof. Hawking first affirms the theoretical reality of time travel. He then describes (and the documentary depicts) a theoretical time-travel portal in terms that are very similar to secret U.S. government time travel portals described by independent whistle blowers from U.S. time travel projects, Andrew D. Basiago, a Cambridge University graduate and former DARPA Project Pegasus time travel participant, and former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe.

Although the literature about Mr. Basiago’s and Mr. Relfe’s operational time travel experiences in secret U.S. government programs is readily available and would come up in any scientific due diligence “Google” search by Prof. Hawking, Prof. Hawking goes on to postulate that “time travel wormholes” occur only at the quantum level and are “one billion trillionth trillionth of a centimeter” in diameter. Science would have to expand these “time travel wormholes” to human size for time travel to be possible, according to Prof. Hawking.

According to Andrew D. Basiago, in the quantum access technology developed by the U.S. government, vortal tunnels are opened in time-space via Tesla-based teleporters.

It is reasonable to ask why Prof. Hawking, who first portrays time travel as possible and describes a realistic time travel portal almost factually would then postulate a situation so drastically at odds with what is now real – that the U.S. government has secretly had an operational time travel capability for more than 40 years.

Are Prof. Hawking’s statements negating the operational reality of quantum access time travel technology due to (1) an oversight, (2) faulty scientific due diligence, (3) a “paradigm” gap on Prof. Hawking’s part, (4) his ignorance of the “whistle blower” phenomenon regarding quantum access technologies (and extraterrestrial civilizations), or (5) an intentional misleading of the world population as to the state of quantum access technologies such as teleportation and time travel?

Stephen Hawking, Discovery Channel and time travel readers can view the segment from Stephen Hawking’s documentary on time travel in which time travel is deemed theoretically possible, a schematic of an operational time travel portal is shown, and finally time travel is shown to be operationally not possible at present.

Witness and documentary evidence for secret U.S. time travel

As has reported, Project Pegasus was a classified, defense-related research and development program launched by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the late 1960’s.

In the following You Tube interview with Ms. Jessica Schab, Mr. Basiago “relates his experiences in DARPA’s Project Pegasus during the period 1969 to 1972, and describes probes to past and future events that he took via teleportation and chronovision during the early days of time-space exploration by the US government.”

According to Mr. Basiago, the US government already had a fully operational teleportation capability in 1967-68, and by 1969-70, was actively training a cadre of gifted and talented American schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.

This training, he said, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old, he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr. Basiago said, were made via a “jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA. The apparent purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarize him with Mars because the CIA knew of his destiny pertaining to publicly establishing the fact that Mars is an inhabited planet and deemed it important that he visit Mars and experience its conditions first-hand.

Mr. Basiago’s involvement in advanced US time-space research as a child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a career CIA officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist who works closely with US military and intelligence agencies, and by US Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in US intelligence included both serving as a guard on the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security attaché to Project Pegasus.

Remote sensing in the time-space continuum

Mr. Basiago has revealed that between 1969 and 1972, as a child participant in Project Pegasus, he both viewed past and future events through a device known as a chronovisor and teleported back and forth across the country in vortal tunnels opened in time-space via Tesla-based teleporters located at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, NJ and the Sandia National Laboratory in Sandia, NM.

In one time probe to the future undertaken by Project Pegasus from a chronovisor device located at ITT Defense Communications in Nutley, NJ, Mr. Basiago viewed the US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC as it would be in the year 2013. During this probe, he found that the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water and reported this to the Lieutenant Commander from the Office of Naval Intelligence who debriefed him after the probe to the future was completed. He hastens to add that because the chronovisors did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate futures in the “multi-verse,” this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialize on our time line.

In contrast to the chronovisor probes, in which a form of virtual time travel was achieved, the teleporters developed by Project Pegasus allowed for physical teleportation to distant locations, sometimes with an adjustment forward or backward in time of days, weeks, months, or years. According to Mr. Basiago, by 1972, the US government was using “quantum displacement” of this kind to both send people forward in time several years to store sensitive military secrets in the future and backward in time several years to provide the government current intelligence about future events.

Societal impact of chronovision and teleportation Andrew D. Basiago’s Pegasus revelations establish that a secret, advanced US time-space program emerged 40 years ago. For four decades, this program has used esoteric technologies involving chronovision and teleportation to perform “remote sensing in time” of past and future events. For the past three decades, teleportation has also been used to send individuals from Earth to strategic US bases on Mars. He is adamant that these technologies be revealed so that their positive and negative aspects can be debated and their positive aspects used to advantage humanity.

Chronovision, he said, could be used to create an international network of virtual museums in which images from the past would be shown to enlighten and educate the public. Misapplied, such technology could also be used to create a Fascist society based on 24-hour surveillance of individuals by government, which may have been portended by the DARPA project called “Total Information Awareness” that President George W. Bush established and placed under Admiral John Poindexter.

Teleportation is a second quantum access technology developed with public funds that the public is being denied the full benefits of. Teleportation could be used, Basiago said, to move people and goods more quickly and efficiently around the globe, without the pollution caused by planes, trains, and automobiles or the negative land use effects from airports, railroad tracks, and highways. Yet, if it is not declassified, teleportation will remain what it has been for 40 years, that is, a weapon for use only by the US military, to have the option to put troops precisely where they are needed on battlefields.

Corroborative documentary (photographic) evidence of Andrew D. Basiago’s secret U.S. government time travel

There exists quantum access documentary (photographic) evidence in the form of a time travel artifact that resulted from Andrew D. Basiago’s childhood participation in DARPA’s secret time travel program in the early 1970’s.

The ALTA reports and Web Bot technology have specifically identified Mr. Basiago, an emerging figure in the disclosure movement, as a “planetary whistle blower” based on the global significance of his revelations. Exploring this time travel artifact will help establish a frame of reference for readers to better evaluate evidence gathered by quantum access technology and time travel participants like Mr. Basiago.

Corroborative documentary evidence of the veracity of Mr. Basiago’s time travel expeditions on behalf of the U.S. government exists. This documentary evidence consists of a photograph of Mr. Basiago taken at the scene of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863 after he was teleported to that location in the time-space continuum via DARPA time travel technology.

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