Friday, July 16, 2010

Ascension Grid Activation

Hello to all my brothers and sisters. I hold you all in my Heart.

I have been seeing, drawing and dreaming about the Diamond Matrix.

The Diamond Matrix is connected to :

The New Earth


Christ Consciousness

and much much more.

I have been guided to share this. If you connect/vibe with it, you may like to pass it on also.

Please enjoy the attached pictures too :)

Anchor your Light and Live your Truth.

You are so loved!

Love and Light,

Shine Shine Shine!

~ WakeUpTheWorld

Ascension Grid Activation
by Tyberonn

The Ascension Grid

The Ascension Grid (aka Light-Grid) is the newly formed energetic lattice that covers our planet. It reflects and amplifies our ascending levels of consciousness. It is a crystalline 'light' matrix that was anchored in 1992, five years after the harmonic convergence. Although in place and functional, its total activation will involve 12 phases, with full resonant vibratory rate achieved on the 12-12-12 ...December 12, 2012.The 'triple' dates ( 01-01-01 through 12-12-12) that occur uniquely for the next 12 years each carry numeric light codes that open & activate each of the 12 major faces of the light grid.

Visualize the grid as as a geodesic sphere, of pentagons and triangles, sparkling as a faceted, brilliant diamond. It is a seed crystal of new form, the double penta-dodecahedron. Its time has arrived, Merkaba of Earthstar. The double penta dodecahedron has 144 facets, the number of Christ ascension. ( Each dodecahedron has 12 pentacles with 60 facets, add the 12 pentagons for 72, double this for 144 ! )

The concept of planetary grids is not a new one. Plato theorized the concept as did the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Hopi Indians. In a sense, grids are the template, the 'program', that allows all life to operate in the graduated light format.

If you will, the Ascension Grid, is 'Windows 2012' , and it is quite necessary for our ascension.

There is not one, but three grid templates surrounding our planet effecting human life. The three are separate, yet intricately related. The grids have separate functions relating individually to: (1) planetary gravitational field, (2) telluric electromagnetics, and (3) light consciousness. Any change or alteration to one, effects the others, in a proportional mathematical ratio.

The ascension grid is anchored into the earth with two axis points. Tremendous energy lines flow outward from the northern axis point and re-enter at the southern. These energetic lines are directly connected to every sacred sites of Gaia. There are thousands.

The grids reflect and to an extent regulate, parameters of the consciousness of both Gaia and spirit. The Gravity grid and Electromagnetic grid have been adjusted on several occasions since mans establishment on the earth plane 200,000 years ago. The light-consciousness grid has evolved with mans increased awareness.

Platonic Solids Geometry

Since our planets birth, the grid work around the earth has consisted of a sacred geometry matrix of one of the five Platonic solids. Plato believed that the earth's basic structure was in the process of evolving from simple geometric shapes into more complex ones. In order of complexity the five patterns theorized by Plato to be the building blocks of crystalline matrix, are the tetrahedron (4 faces), hexahedron (6 faces), octahedron (8 faces), dodecahedron (12 faces) and icosahedron (20 faces). Plato further theorized that the earth was evolving into an icosahedron grid.

Academics, including Dr Ivan Sanderson, Dr Hagens and Dr Becker, diagramed this shape in the 70's by connecting major electromagnetic fields on the map. The points formed a triangular pattern of pentagons…. an icosahedron. The icosahedron was in fact, the geometry of the planetary light grid for the past millenia, prior to the Harmonic Convergence.

The 1987 Harmonic Convergence was a measurement of Earths vibratory level, a test. The Earth revealed a far greater measurement of 'light' than ever before. For the first time since the 'great fall', the planet carried more 'light' than 'dark'. As a result all three grids required 'upgrading'. The magnetic grid was adjusted to lessen the 'veil' separating humans from their duality. The telluric grid was adjusted to enable a greater vibratory rate at sacred sites. The light or ascension grid took on a new, higher geometric model, capable of regulating a far more sophistocated light code than the old iscosahedron.

As Joseph Jochmans writes in Earth: A Crystal Planet, "Beyond the Platonic series of Solids is another form being geometrically generated out of the old Icosa-Dodeca crystal. If you take an Icosahedron and join together with lines every other point inside the form, you create twelve pentacles or five-pointed stars. If you extend the outer edges of the Icosahedron and join these node points together, you create a second group of twelve pentacles or stars. This becomes the seed crystal that gives birth to a new crystalline form called a double penta- dodecahedron, composed of twelve double-pentacles equally spaced across the surface of the globe."

The icosahedron is now being replaced by an ascension 'light'grid. A'seed-crystal' matrix, the double penta-docecahedron, is born. The evolved geometry is divinely fashioned to resonate a higher frequency for the new Earth.

Mainstream researchers are in fact noting that the node points and grid alignments earlier attributed to the Becker-Hagens grid map, no longer fit. Weather patterns are changing, climates are in major flux and migration routes of birds are altered. Whales and Dolphins are beaching themselves far more often over the past 14 years since the harmonic convergence. The earth's geomagnetic field is changing, and changing fast.

This all validates a change in the grid system and the work of the Kryon. The new ascension grid is increasing in frequency as the magnetic grid is lessened. The old crystal grid is fading, and a new crystal matrix is forming.

We are part of the new crystal formation….the ascension grid. One of the most meaningful avenues available to us in the ascension process is coming together as Lightworkers, in ceremony and unity, to awaken all humanity and bond with the Living Earth, by generating and directing positive energy.

By concerted efforts to support and give light to the ascension grid, we accelerate both it s formation and dissolution of the older matrix. The planetary Ascension grid is a manifestation of the energy evolvement and patterned growth of the Universal Consciousness. Earth is the living GAIA, the grid is her aura. Accordingly the grid contains the sacred geometry energy patterns of the Flower of Life, the crystal matrix of creation.


We accept readily that we are energetic beings surrounded by a potent electromagnetic field. We chose to be part of the ascension process and the ascension of the living Gaia. We channel inward great flows of cosmic divine energy with the capacity to direct this light outward through directed meditative thought for the highest good.

By unifying our energies in synchronised ecstatic states we form a powerful light vortex. This energy can cleanse, brighten, energize and activate according to our intent and flow. Our intent is light of the highest order, transferred to the new grid, the new crystal matrix of Gaia.

Activation Mediation

The exercise for energy connection, transferal and activation of the ascension grid is as follows:
1. Find a place to set or lie comfortably.
2. Breath very deeply and rhythmically
3. Visualise diamond light energy coming in through the crown chakra.
4. Send it down through the spine, through each chakra, and back to the heart.
5. Flow the energy in a beam, a corridor of light energy, into the core of the earth.
6. From the core of the earth visualise the white light energy flashing into an infinity of light frequencies feeding into the planetary grid.
7. Experience the ecstasy, and allow it flow

Through our creation and transfer of diamond-light, joyous energy into the Ascension Grid, we simultaneously activate ourselves to be in alignment with the heightened energy of ascension. We become loving, channeling columns of light, we connect as one synergetic beam of ecstasy. Each participant is a vortex, a point of light on the globe, one with another, one with the ascension. Creating, co-creating the frequency of the New Planet Earth toward the highest good. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm, a point of light in the bursting infinity of light. We are love, and are loved.

…and so it is.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Meditations for the Oceans - Dolphin and Whale Healing Energies and Activations

This meditation will assist will Light Body Activation and DNA Activation. Will also assist in bringing in the vision and energy of the New Earth.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

For the second night in a row, Venus and the crescent Moon are in conjunction.

Photos taken 16/6/2010.
Backyard photos of the crescent Moon and Venus. Beautiful.

Rainbow Blessing - Send someone you love or someone who needs healing a Rainbow. Send it to the Gulf Of Mexico for the highest good of Mother Earth.

Everyday whenever you come into my heart or mind, I send you a rainbow.

I imagine I’m under one end of the rainbow and I breathe in its soft iridescent colours.

I imagine them gathering in my heart, I bless them with love and I send the other end of the rainbow to you.

I visualise you bathed in the light and peace of the rainbow and I see you filled with its love and strength.

I send my love and blessings like fairy dust across the rainbow to you, bringing you healing and peace.

You’re always at the other end of the rainbow. I hope you can feel its blessing. With love and rainbows from me to you.


Friday, June 11, 2010

In the world of light we are all one.

In the world of light we are all one.
When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are healed.
By acknowledging the Divinity in all, by acknowledging the oneness, I am you, you are me, we are all one, each is a treasure of the sacred.
In our oneness with Sky Father and Earth Mother, in truth, we ask only what is for the highest good of all to happen here and now, in the vibration of love, peace and harmony for all, with the Ancient Ones.
So be it.

~ From Rongomatane Hotai ~ Maori Shaman



Now, humanity is at a time like no other. Planetary changes, social changes, personal changes ~ we are being served with a great opportunity.

This film is made and offered to bring about a more loving world.

For more information,

For more films like this one,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sananda's Message to We The People For Peace

"Greetings, Beloved Family. It is I, Sananda. I come with my Mother with the Roses of Kumara. Please to take them as we continue this conversation. Take them into your hearts. There are no thorns on these Roses, only velvety softness, only Love, only beautiful colors and fragrances, and if you listen closely, you may even hear the music they make, especially for you.

"I, Sananda, have a most special mission which is to assure that all of those who choose to ascend, will do so. And this includes each and every one of you Beloved Ones, and this entire Family. We come close to you at this time because it is important that you know that this is as much a spiritual mission as any other. It is a mission to bring freedom to the world from those who have claimed power over you, from those who have claimed dominion over the planet and have stolen egregiously from every kingdom, those who have hurt, those who have killed, particularly in the name of some religion or other, it is time to be free - it is time to walk free from all of that. And so it is time to bring on these announcements, but support is needed, and that is what this project is all about. It is to bring about the freedoms that these announcements, the announcements of the NESARA will do. You've all been waiting for this, sometimes patiently, sometimes not.

"Well, let me share something with you. We feel your every emotion. We receive your messages, your prayers, your meditations. We answer back in loving meditation and we say to you now, we must work together - we must take these steps together - we must maintain the Love, the Peace that passeth all understanding, which truly empowers a mission such as this. And as we walk hand-in-hand to accomplish this mission, we move closer to that which you've been waiting for - the Golden Age, and yes, the presence of, not only the ships, but those of us who are on the ships - the open acknowledged presence of us being with you in this Ascension process, these last few steps that Mother Earth has to take before we are truly joined in the high-dimensional reality which is Truth for all who choose it.

"Join with us, Beloved Ones, let your hearts answer the call! Accept the Roses of Kumara and know that we are truly united as One in service to the entire planet and indeed, the universe beyond. We love you so much, Beloved Ones, and we feel your love, and we say to you, 'Well done! Just walk with us a bit further along this path and truly, the paths are joined and the Golden Age awaits, grounding forevermore, what is now 3D Earth in Ascension status.

"Thank you, Beloved Ones, for the gifts you bring, for the lights you shine, for the Love you are, and for all of your expressions of support along the path. I reach out to all of you and I ask you to take my hand. We have not far to go, let us walk this hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart, joined in mission and service to our beloved Planet Earth. And so it is. Namaste."

This is a channelled message given through Susan Leland, May 2, 2010. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Extinctions Accelerate : Basics of life are under threat

Our Mother Earth is suffering because of our careless actions and our inability to recognize that the Earth is one unified living system.

Its time to step up to the challenge - our Earth needs protection and healing. As the people, as a collective, we are caretakers of this beautiful planet. Do not wait for government to put through policies and agendas! We only have a short amount of time to rectify the enormous amount of damage we have done! The time for healing is NOW.

If you can do nothing else, simply go out and BE with nature. Appreciate the the beauty and intelligence of it all. Show the trees, flowers, animals, rocks, the ocean, sand, grass and mountains that you LOVE them. LOVE is a vibration, a communication, and the Earth will receive it if you believe it and feel it.

Basics of life under threat as extinctions accelerate

Sydney Morning Herald
May 11, 2010

KEY natural processes that sustain human life, such as crop production and clean water, face a high risk of ''rapid degradation and collapse'' because of the record rate of extinction of animal and plant species.

That is the key finding of a major United Nations report, the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook.

The executive-secretary of the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity, Ahmed Djoghlaf, said: ''The news is not good. We continue to lose biodiversity at a rate never before seen in history - extinction rates may be up to 1000 times higher than the historical background rate.

''Business as usual is no longer an option if we are to avoid irreversible damage to the life-support systems of our planet.''

The Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, said the world needed a ''new vision for biological diversity for a healthy planet and a sustainable future for humankind''.

The outlook finds extinction rates of plant and animal species will continue and potentially accelerate far above the natural rate across this century. Threatened species are on average moving closer to extinction due to the impact of humans and climate change. Coral and amphibians are under the most stress.

The report states that if the rate of species extinction hits crucial ''tipping points,'' not yet identified, there is a high risk that natural systems that help crops grow and keep water clean could be damaged irreversibly.

''This makes the impacts of global change on biodiversity hard to predict, difficult to control once they have begun, and slow, expensive or impossible to reverse once they have occurred,'' the report states.

Other findings include:

The genetic diversity of crops and livestock is continuing to decline: more than 60 breeds of livestock have been reported extinct since 2000.

A target to halt species extinction rates by 2010 was not reached by any of the 193 signatories to the UN biodiversity treaty, including Australia.

The small bits of good news include slowing deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and more areas under environmental protection across the planet.

The findings will be used this year to negotiate a global agreement to slow extinction rates.

An Australian ecologist, Hugh Possingham, said Australia's biodiversity record was no better than elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Australian scientists have warned half the Earth could become too hot for human habitation in less than 300 years.

The research by the University of NSW and Purdue University, in the US, is published today in the American Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Read the story here :

And read related stories here :

Nature loss 'to damage economies'

Roundup: UN warns of biosystem "collapse" unless countries act swiftly

Global biodiversity being 'destroyed at an unprecedented rate'

FACTBOX - World must put economic value on biodiversity--UN

Monday, May 10, 2010

NEW David Wilcock 2012 video - MUST SEE!

2012 Event Horizon: Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age, by David Wilcock

In this 4 part documentary, Wilcock outlines and explains the process of spiritual evolution and the DNA ungrade that is occurring on Earth now and leading up to 2012. Wilcock has put together an excellent presentation which ties many pieces of evidence together. I commend Wilcock for his hard work and passion for this material. Love and Light to you David!
Wilcock's website is full of valuble information, so do take the time to browse on it if your interested in 2012.


At last -- the long-awaited sequel to 2012 Enigma (#1 on Google, December 1, 2008) is finally here! Watch it for FREE right now!


In this heavily-anticipated sequel to 2012 Enigma, (#1 Most Viewed on Google, 12/1/08), David Wilcock presents a compelling case that the prophecies of a Golden Age are not myth or superstition.

Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last 5000 years due to a natural galactic process, which is also creating climate change throughout our entire solar system. If the prophecies are correct, psychic abilities and powers such as telekinesis, levitation, spiritual healing and telepathy may soon become as common as breathing.

The Mayan Calendar, the Timeline in the Great Pyramid of Giza, the story of Jesus Christ in the Bible and many other ancient mystery schools and spiritual teachings all speak of a great tribulation that transforms Earth into a Utopian Age. Many misunderstand these prophecies as predicting pole shift, asteroid collisions, supervolcano eruptions or Armageddon thanks to Planet X, alien invasion, Illuminati/government takeover, or a solar event.

Russian physics reveals that anti-gravity, free energy and time travel technology arise from a Source Field that is the energy of Mind, Spirit and Consciousness. Life emerges from nonliving material by Intelligent Design and evolution occurs in sudden bursts that repeat in 26 and 62 million year cycles, apparently the result of energy waves gradually rippling out from the center of the galaxy and transforming our DNA.

For at least 1200 years, crop circles have presented symbolic messages of DNA transformation and even Ascension on or around December 21, 2012. Easter Island, Stonehenge and some 4000 ancient sites are built on a Global Grid of energy that creates portals in space and time, such as the Bermuda Triangle. Rapture may indeed occur, but in a very different way than most believe.

Project Camelot whistleblowers reveal that extraterrestrials look human like us and may even be time travelers from our future! Edgar Cayce and the Law of One reveal we have a Higher Self leading us through reincarnation and Graduation.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Russian president asked to investigate alien claims

Thanks to Alcuin and Flutterby for posting this!

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, President of Kalmykia (Russia) and President of the World Chess Federation, announces on Russian primetime television that he was taken on board an alien spaceship which had come to Earth to take samples. Several witnesses cited.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has been president of Kalmykia, a small Buddhist region of Russia on the shores of the Caspian Sea, for seventeen years. A Russian Member of Parliament, Andre Lebedev, has formally asked Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to investigate Ilyumzhinov's alien encounter.

The news comes one year after nearby Kazakhstan, in Central Asia, announced that it was building the world’s first alien embassy. The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has allocated a large plot of land in the city of Almaty for its ET embassy project. Facilities will include a guesthouse, theatre and translation service. A UFO landing pad and checkpoint will be attached. Kazakhstan’s government believes that open contact with aliens is imminent, and by becoming the first nation to openly create such facilities, they will reap enormous financial and economic rewards.

It is generally accepted in the region that aliens are making use of an underwater UFO base in the 640-mile-long Caspian Sea , which Kazakhstan borders. Fuad Gasimov, head of neighbouring Azerbaijan’s national Aerospace Agency, has confirmed this to be the case. He has gone on record to state that the old USSR constantly monitored alien spaceships, which regularly entered and left the waters of the Caspian Sea. The USSR kept this activity a military secret. Gasimov himself was involved in the secret monitoring of Caspian Sea UFOs when he was a department head at the USSR’s science academy.

Numerous UFO sightings have occurred in Kazakhstan where it is thought that the aliens take an interest in the massive local mineral resources. In 2008, a UFO was widely reported to have crashed into a river in Kazakhstan. The head of Kazakhstan’s space agency, Talgat Musabayev, is heavily involved in the ET embassy project. Musabayev is an ex-cosmonaut who spent many hours in space and is an ex-colleague of Gasimov. He is thought to possess a large amount of information on the major alien species currently visiting Earth.



Want some perspective on your world, your life and our fragile existence? Watch this :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Is Hawking affirming time travel theory ?

For those of you who are not already aware, Time Travel is a reality. The Elite have been in possession of this technology for quite a while. They are using it. They are hiding it. This is one technology of many that will be revealed once Disclosure transpires.

Below is an excerpt from David Wilcock's site Here we see the fear machine at work. The Elite wants the public to fear ET's. I'm not sure Hawking is aware of the extent to which his insights may be used as propaganda. Please stay open minded and do your own research.

Stephen Hawking – Aliens Are Real and May Be a Threat

...Hawking’s logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.

“To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational,” he said. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.”…

Hawking has suggested the possibility of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon.

So far, all the new planets found have been far larger than Earth, but only because the telescopes used to detect them are not sensitive enough to detect Earth-sized bodies at such distances.

Another breakthrough is the discovery that life on Earth has proven able to colonise its most extreme environments. If life can survive and evolve there, scientists reason, then perhaps nowhere is out of bounds.

Hawking’s belief in aliens places him in good scientific company. In his recent Wonders of the Solar System BBC series, Professor Brian Cox backed the idea, too, suggesting Mars, Europa and Titan, a moon of Saturn, as likely places to look.

Similarly, Lord Rees, the astronomer royal, warned in a lecture earlier this year that aliens might prove to be beyond human understanding.

“I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive,” he said. “Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.”

Hawking suggests that aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.”

Why is Hawking affirming time travel theory and appearing ignorant of DARPA secret time travel?

May 1, 2:00 PMSeattle Exopolitics ExaminerAlfred Lambremont Webre

Fresh from eliciting polarized public responses to public statements urging humanity to avoid any contact with extraterrestrial civilizations on the grounds that all such contact may be dangerous, scientist Stephen Hawking, for over 30 years Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, has now weighed in on the theoretical and operational reality of time travel as part of his Discovery Channel documentary series.

As reported, Hawking’s blanket negative statements about the intentions of extraterrestrial civilizations are reminiscent of U.S. and U.K. military-intelligence propaganda supporting the weaponization of space and a false flag war against extraterrestrials. Prof. Hawking said, “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.”

Prof. Hawking’s statements on time travel can been seen in a segment (Episode 1-5) of the Discovery Channel documentary embedded in the article below. In the documentary segment, Prof. Hawking first affirms the theoretical reality of time travel. He then describes (and the documentary depicts) a theoretical time-travel portal in terms that are very similar to secret U.S. government time travel portals described by independent whistle blowers from U.S. time travel projects, Andrew D. Basiago, a Cambridge University graduate and former DARPA Project Pegasus time travel participant, and former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe.

Although the literature about Mr. Basiago’s and Mr. Relfe’s operational time travel experiences in secret U.S. government programs is readily available and would come up in any scientific due diligence “Google” search by Prof. Hawking, Prof. Hawking goes on to postulate that “time travel wormholes” occur only at the quantum level and are “one billion trillionth trillionth of a centimeter” in diameter. Science would have to expand these “time travel wormholes” to human size for time travel to be possible, according to Prof. Hawking.

According to Andrew D. Basiago, in the quantum access technology developed by the U.S. government, vortal tunnels are opened in time-space via Tesla-based teleporters.

It is reasonable to ask why Prof. Hawking, who first portrays time travel as possible and describes a realistic time travel portal almost factually would then postulate a situation so drastically at odds with what is now real – that the U.S. government has secretly had an operational time travel capability for more than 40 years.

Are Prof. Hawking’s statements negating the operational reality of quantum access time travel technology due to (1) an oversight, (2) faulty scientific due diligence, (3) a “paradigm” gap on Prof. Hawking’s part, (4) his ignorance of the “whistle blower” phenomenon regarding quantum access technologies (and extraterrestrial civilizations), or (5) an intentional misleading of the world population as to the state of quantum access technologies such as teleportation and time travel?

Stephen Hawking, Discovery Channel and time travel readers can view the segment from Stephen Hawking’s documentary on time travel in which time travel is deemed theoretically possible, a schematic of an operational time travel portal is shown, and finally time travel is shown to be operationally not possible at present.

Witness and documentary evidence for secret U.S. time travel

As has reported, Project Pegasus was a classified, defense-related research and development program launched by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the late 1960’s.

In the following You Tube interview with Ms. Jessica Schab, Mr. Basiago “relates his experiences in DARPA’s Project Pegasus during the period 1969 to 1972, and describes probes to past and future events that he took via teleportation and chronovision during the early days of time-space exploration by the US government.”

According to Mr. Basiago, the US government already had a fully operational teleportation capability in 1967-68, and by 1969-70, was actively training a cadre of gifted and talented American schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.

This training, he said, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old, he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr. Basiago said, were made via a “jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA. The apparent purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarize him with Mars because the CIA knew of his destiny pertaining to publicly establishing the fact that Mars is an inhabited planet and deemed it important that he visit Mars and experience its conditions first-hand.

Mr. Basiago’s involvement in advanced US time-space research as a child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a career CIA officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist who works closely with US military and intelligence agencies, and by US Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in US intelligence included both serving as a guard on the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security attaché to Project Pegasus.

Remote sensing in the time-space continuum

Mr. Basiago has revealed that between 1969 and 1972, as a child participant in Project Pegasus, he both viewed past and future events through a device known as a chronovisor and teleported back and forth across the country in vortal tunnels opened in time-space via Tesla-based teleporters located at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, NJ and the Sandia National Laboratory in Sandia, NM.

In one time probe to the future undertaken by Project Pegasus from a chronovisor device located at ITT Defense Communications in Nutley, NJ, Mr. Basiago viewed the US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC as it would be in the year 2013. During this probe, he found that the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water and reported this to the Lieutenant Commander from the Office of Naval Intelligence who debriefed him after the probe to the future was completed. He hastens to add that because the chronovisors did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate futures in the “multi-verse,” this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialize on our time line.

In contrast to the chronovisor probes, in which a form of virtual time travel was achieved, the teleporters developed by Project Pegasus allowed for physical teleportation to distant locations, sometimes with an adjustment forward or backward in time of days, weeks, months, or years. According to Mr. Basiago, by 1972, the US government was using “quantum displacement” of this kind to both send people forward in time several years to store sensitive military secrets in the future and backward in time several years to provide the government current intelligence about future events.

Societal impact of chronovision and teleportation Andrew D. Basiago’s Pegasus revelations establish that a secret, advanced US time-space program emerged 40 years ago. For four decades, this program has used esoteric technologies involving chronovision and teleportation to perform “remote sensing in time” of past and future events. For the past three decades, teleportation has also been used to send individuals from Earth to strategic US bases on Mars. He is adamant that these technologies be revealed so that their positive and negative aspects can be debated and their positive aspects used to advantage humanity.

Chronovision, he said, could be used to create an international network of virtual museums in which images from the past would be shown to enlighten and educate the public. Misapplied, such technology could also be used to create a Fascist society based on 24-hour surveillance of individuals by government, which may have been portended by the DARPA project called “Total Information Awareness” that President George W. Bush established and placed under Admiral John Poindexter.

Teleportation is a second quantum access technology developed with public funds that the public is being denied the full benefits of. Teleportation could be used, Basiago said, to move people and goods more quickly and efficiently around the globe, without the pollution caused by planes, trains, and automobiles or the negative land use effects from airports, railroad tracks, and highways. Yet, if it is not declassified, teleportation will remain what it has been for 40 years, that is, a weapon for use only by the US military, to have the option to put troops precisely where they are needed on battlefields.

Corroborative documentary (photographic) evidence of Andrew D. Basiago’s secret U.S. government time travel

There exists quantum access documentary (photographic) evidence in the form of a time travel artifact that resulted from Andrew D. Basiago’s childhood participation in DARPA’s secret time travel program in the early 1970’s.

The ALTA reports and Web Bot technology have specifically identified Mr. Basiago, an emerging figure in the disclosure movement, as a “planetary whistle blower” based on the global significance of his revelations. Exploring this time travel artifact will help establish a frame of reference for readers to better evaluate evidence gathered by quantum access technology and time travel participants like Mr. Basiago.

Corroborative documentary evidence of the veracity of Mr. Basiago’s time travel expeditions on behalf of the U.S. government exists. This documentary evidence consists of a photograph of Mr. Basiago taken at the scene of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863 after he was teleported to that location in the time-space continuum via DARPA time travel technology.

To READ MORE click here

Friday, April 16, 2010


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

April 15, 2010

Humanity is experiencing a quantum shift this year in every facet of our lives. The end result of this acceleration of energy, vibration, and consciousness will be an extremely positive event for everyone. Unfortunately, due to the challenges surfacing in people’s lives to be healed, many do not realize the opportunity at hand. Instead of empowering their hopes and dreams during this unique opportunity, people are being overwhelmed with fear and feelings of helplessness. For this reason, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers around the world to redouble our efforts. We are One, and we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. We are being called to action! The time for us to accept the responsibility of being our sister’s and brother’s keepers is NOW!

I know that many Lightworkers are also feeling overwhelmed. The difference is that regardless of outer appearances we know within the deepest recesses of our hearts that we are going to be God Victorious, and that everything we need to serve the Light on behalf of our fellow Human Beings and all Life on this planet is already within us. We are powerful beyond our knowing and when we join our hearts and minds together we are invincible. This is the level of heart commitment that we are being asked to reach at this time. The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to amplify our unified efforts a thousand times a thousand fold.

At this very moment, our I AM Presences are increasing the frequency of vibration within our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies the maximum we can endure in every 24-hour period. This may feel a little bit stressful, but it is enabling us to receive higher frequencies of Light than we have ever experienced. Remember, Light is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based miscreations of our human egos which are surfacing to be healed. The more Light we can project into this surfacing negativity the faster it will be transmuted, and the sooner the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will tangibly manifest in our lives.

The year 2010 is being heralded as the Year of Manifestation by the Legions of Light serving this planet. After decades of tenacious work by millions of Lightworkers in every conceivable location on Earth, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will allow the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to begin physically manifesting. Pay attention to the positive things that are being brought to your awareness and you will confirm this for yourself. Do not focus on the bombardment of negativity that is designed to polarize people and to perpetuate fear and separation. Focus instead on the evidence of positive changes that are happening everywhere. Where your attention is, there you are. Empower only what you want to cocreate in your life not the things that you do not want.

Here are some powerful invocations that have been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. When we say these invocations with deep feeling, we join in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers around the world who are also saying these invocations. Together we create a tremendous Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to heal the maladies manifesting in our individual and our collective lives. This will clear the way for the manifestation of our hopes, our dreams, and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.


Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart, I invoke ALL of the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame.

On behalf of myself and ALL Humanity, I AM now blazing the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame through every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth that is vibrating at a frequency less than the harmony and balance of God.

Beloved I AM, look into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity and see what yet remains to be balanced by us to any person, place, condition or thing we may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason.

Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the positively qualified energy we have released throughout our Earthly sojourns, and draw forth a thousand times as much perfection as we have ever done wrong.

Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of Love, whatever is necessary to balance every debt we have created which still remains unpaid to any part of Life.

Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition or thing which may have wronged us in any way, and balance all debts owed to us by Life everywhere.

I accept this done through the Power of God I AM. And so it is.


Through the Divinity pulsating in my heart, I consecrate my life now to the reestablishment of my Covenant with God. I clearly know and understand with my new level of Divine Consciousness, that whatever I AM thinking, feeling, saying, or doing I AM empowering, cocreating, and magnetizing into my life.

From this moment forth, I dedicate my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings to empowering and cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. I begin with me, but I know that simultaneously I AM a surrogate serving on behalf of ALL Humanity, for we are all One. As I AM lifted up, all life is lifted up with me.

I invoke the entire Company of Heaven to come forth now. Blessed Ones, please assist me in this holy endeavor, and empower these activities of Light a thousand times a thousandfold.

Beloved Father-Mother God, I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Divine Love as I sojourn through my Earthly experiences.

I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.

I AM cocreating loving relationships in my life.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for being, and I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job.

I AM an example of Divine Family Life, including my place in the family of Humanity.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Potential as a son or daughter, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a woman or man, as a friend, a relative, a coworker, a steward of the Earth, a teacher, a way shower, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of the New Earth.

I AM a living example of Divine Love, Trust, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance, and Reverence for ALL Life.

I AM able to listen, understand, and communicate openly and honestly with every evolving soul.

I AM effortlessly Ascending into the Divine Heart and Mind of God with every Holy Breath I take.

Within the Causal Body of God, I AM tapping into the Divine Guidance and the viable solutions that will assist me in fulfilling my Divine Plan and my purpose and reason for being.

I AM open to the Divine Guidance of my I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth. I easily communicate with these Beings of Light through open heart and mind telepathic communication.

I AM One with ALL Life, and I communicate openly with the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms as well.

I AM daily and hourly fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my Divine Plan
and the Divine Plan for Beloved Mother Earth.


I now invoke the full-gathered momentum of the Violet Flame to transmute every thought, word, action, or feeling I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way interfere with or prevent these patterns of perfection for the New Earth from manifesting tangibly in the world of form.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I accept that these patterns for the New Earth are victoriously manifesting even as I speak.

In God’s most Holy Name, I AM. And so it is!

These invocations are from the book of invocations,
I AM Cocreating the New Earth by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

This book is available on our website:

The direct link is:

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Palindrome - Please watch this video

A palindrome reads the same backwards as forward.

This video reads the exact opposite backwards as forward.

Not only does it read the opposite, the meaning is the

exact opposite.

This is only a 1 minute, 44 second video.

Make sure you read as well as listen.forward and backward.

It is a video that was submitted in a contest by a 20-year

old. The contest was titled "u @ 50" by AARP.

This video won second place. When they showed it, everyone

in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous

applause. So simple and yet so brilliant.. Take a minute

and watch it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spritual Principles - Bashar

~ You are a non-physical consciousness that is experiencing physical reality.

~ You were created in the image of The Creator, your essential essence is unconditional love and the experience of ecstasy is your birthright.

~ You are here on Earth at this time because you chose to be.

~ The highest purpose of your life is to be yourself to the best of your ability and live each moment as fully as possible.

~ You always have free will and the freedom to choose.

~ Anything you can imagine is possible for you to experience.

~ You attract your life experiences through the interaction of your strongest beliefs, emotions and actions.

~ Excitement is the physical translation of the vibrational resonance that is your true, core natural being. Follow your excitement!

~ You are naturally abundant and your choices are always supported by Creation.

~ There are only Four Laws in Creation:

1. You exist.
2. The One is All and the All are One .
3. What you put out is what you get back.
4. Change is the only constant...

Except for the first three laws, which never change.

~ There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.

~ You create the past and the future from the here and now.

~ You are an eternal being and while you may change your form, you cannot cease to exist.

~ Everything you experience is another aspect of yourself.

~ You are loved so unconditionally by Creation that you can even choose to believe that you are not loved.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Follow Your Passion, Change The World

"Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals. "

~ Margaret Mead

Message from the Hathor's 13/01/2010

Message from the Hathor's - Tom Kenyon

Haiti and the Chaotic Node

The recent seismic event in Haiti heralds the beginning of the Chaotic Node we referred to in our last communication.

We are, quite frankly, surprised that this event occurred slightly outside the timeline we had projected. This tells us that new levels of “novelty” (meaning an increase in unpredictability) are escalating faster than we anticipated. Thus, it is, and will be, increasingly difficult to pinpoint such future occurrences.

However, the general thrust of your planetary state is one of extreme volatility. Your magnetic North Pole is shifting its position in erratic and unpredictable ways. The photosphere is also showing signs of unusual activity, as yet undetected by your scientists. All of this is to be expected for a planet undergoing a movement into Ascension, and we liken all of this to the birthing pangs of Earth’s birth into higher dimensions.

Our purpose in this communication is not to give predictions as to the unfolding of this chaotic node, for we must admit, in all humility, that our technology is no longer able to precisely predict the chaotic events unfolding before you.

What we wish to address, as always, are practical applications of multi-dimensional awareness.

It is the state of your vibratory field that determines your experience of any event. In its most simple form, the cultivation of appreciation for the smallest things in your life will give you the greatest results.

The various inner technologies we have given before will also help you navigate through this transition as well, but we realize that not everyone is capable of entering into multi-dimensional awareness. If you are one of these persons, do not concern yourself with it. The simple act of appreciation for what is in your life will shift your vibratory field faster and more effectively than any sacred geometry.

The task, then, is one of attaining a higher level of vibration. We do not mean physical vibration–the vibratory rate of your physical body–but rather we refer to the vibratory rate of your subtle energy body (your KA, your etheric double).

As your planet moves into its energetic process more deeply, you can expect more volatility in weather patterns, as well as an increase in unpredictable earth changes. But in some ways the external events are easier to deal with than the internal changes you will be facing.

Those of you who are more sensitive to the subtleties of energetics may find yourself “hard hit” by the dimensional and physical shifts that will occur. To a greater or lesser degree, depending upon their vibratory levels, more and more individuals will experience sleep disturbances, and strange dreams–some of them prophetic in nature. There will also most likely be an increase in strange physical ailments that have no logical explanation. These will often arise early in the morning hours as your energy body shifts from its inner journeys back to orientation to your physical form. These types of physical discomforts are a reaction from the organs within your body and the various bodily systems to the accelerating changes taking place. In other words, your physical bodies are challenged by the rapid escalation of planetary change.

You may experience sudden and unexpected periods of extreme fatigue, weakness, and even the very odd state of being both awake and asleep at the same time. Again, all of these challenges are a result of the rapid changes taking place upon your earth. If you have the luxury of time, and you feel one of these energetic drops, the sudden onset of fatigue, it is best to rest if you are able–to literally lie down. If you are unable to do so we urge you to be vigilant if you are driving or making critical decisions or choices, especially when engaged with technology. There may be–and we expect this to be true–a general increase in irritability throughout the population; small negative encounters can easily amplify into something much larger.

In our previous communication we offered the Dimensional Attunement for the Pineal Gland. This is still a very effective sound tool to assist you as you move through this period. Listening to this Attunement a few minutes a day can help your system “fine tune” itself so that the changes that are upon you will be less stressful.

Again, the key component in all of this is your vibratory rate, and the Dimensional Attunement assists your nervous system by tuning the pineal gland to the higher realms of light. Think of it as an “acoustic life raft.”

You may also experience a greater number of individuals choosing to exit the Earth plane. These exits will take place through unexpected accidents, unforeseen illnesses, and of course, earth changes and weather anomalies. What we wish to say to you in this regard is that as the dimensionality of Earth shifts, the veils between the dimensions will become thinner, and it will be true for many that they sense friends and loved ones on the other side of the veil more clearly than ever before.

In some ways the veils between life and death are being lifted, and the veils between dimensions are being parted. Thus some of you may have unusual and extraordinary encounters with animal spirits, devic beings of the Earth, and other nature spirits that have been obscured for the last several thousand years.

Although this is a difficult and challenging period, it is an extraordinary opportunity to be embodied at this time. Regardless of what unfolds before you in your life, or in the lives of those around you, we suggest you cultivate appreciation for the smallest things in your life. Share your love and affection for those to whom you feel close.

In the great miasma you call Western Civilization, it shall be individual relationships that survive the coming storm.

As you let go of the distortions created by your culture and wake up to the simple truth of your existence as an embodied being in time and space, you will see that the great adventure has just begun.

The Hathors
January 13, 2010

The 'star' that heralds Maitreya's emergence

Who is Maitreya?

He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know him as the Christ, and expect his imminent return. Jews await him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah.

Although the names are different, many believe that they all refer to the same individual: the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya (pronounced my-tray-ah).

Preferring to be known simply as the Teacher, Maitreya has not come as a religious leader, or to found a new religion, but as a teacher and guide for people of every religion and those of no religion.

At this time of great political, economic and social crisis (the end times / the rebirth/earth's ascension) Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation.

Legend says that when the Teacher returns to Earth he/she will bring abundance for everyone shared evenly throughout the World. It is specifically mentioned, food, raw materials (gold), free energy, scientific knowledge (Galactic Technology) and educational facilities (Holodecks) and that patterns of waste will be eliminated (depleted uranium, trash in the ocean, recycling). At the Galactic Roundtable, we explain this as NESARA.

NESARA is a global prosperity programme - National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act. The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organisation anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.

There will be programs in place, from the Galactics for abundance for every person on Earth, in every Country, every man, woman, and child. On the Day of Decloakings it is believed that: "Everyone will (simultaneously) hear his voice inwardly (telepathically) in their own language. At the same time, everyone will deeply feel His omnipotent love and hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world."

To see footage and photos of the "star" that may be signalling Matreya's emergence go to :

Monday, January 4, 2010

Second whistleblower emerges to confirm reality of time travel

Second whistleblower emerges to confirm reality of time travel

A second whistle-blower, this one a physicist, has emerged to confirm the existence of U.S. government development of time travel technology and emphasize the importance of the real-world application of such technology for achieving planetary sustainability.

Dr. David Lewis Anderson, director of the Anderson Institute, emerged publicly in a two-hour interview on December 23, 2009 to give an extensive account of his time control research for the U.S. Air Force, which he later continued at his Time Travel Research Institute and other organizations.

Dr. Lewis’ public revelations regarding time travel follow disclosures made in August and November by Andrew D. Basiago in interviews concerning his experiences in time travel experiments undertaken by DARPA’s Project Pegasus in the early 1970s.

A Sept. 15, 2009 report derived from the Web Bot predicted that a “planetary whistleblower” would emerge from the current period of U.S. financial collapse. Clif High, the genius behind the Web Bot, determined that the individual was “very likely” Mr. Basiago, a lawyer from Washington State who is leading a truth campaign to establish that the U.S. defense community achieved teleportation in the late 1960s.

The report also stated that Mr. Basiago’s crusade would spark a movement, as other whistle-blowers shared with the public previously secret information.

In fulfillment of the scenario predicted by the Web Bot, both Mr. Basiago and Dr. Anderson are whistleblowers who have emerged during the latter months of 2009 to affirm secret time travel advancements by the U.S. government and private industry that may articulate a way out of the current depression via investment in a 21st century infrastructure that would include teleportation and other new energy applications.

Dr. David L. Anderson and time control research

Since the September report, those following the Web Bot project by reading the ALTA reports have speculated as to who the next whistleblower to follow Mr. Basiago might be. One candidate is Dr. Anderson.

According to the physicist, he was employed at a young age by the U.S. Air Force conducting advanced research and development at the Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert.

During that time, he laid the foundations for what would be known as “time-warp field theory,” an approach that models and describes how to use the natural forces of inertial frame dragging to create contained and controllable fields of closed time-like curves.

At his Time Travel Research Center in Long Island, Dr. Anderson further developed time-warp field theory, as well as a third generation time warp generator.

Dr. Anderson sets out 10 types of time control technologies and methods, along with a feasibility analysis of each method. Among these time control technologies are quantum tunneling, time-warp fields, and wormholes.

Readers can listen to Dr. Anderson’s two-hour interview with Sandra Sabatini by clicking here.

Andrew D. Basiago’s time travel revelations

Mr. Basiago made his public revelations about U.S. governmental involvement in time travel initially in an August 31st interview by Jessica Schab posted on YouTube and then again during a November 11th interview on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. His revelations on Coast to Coast AM are summarized as follows:

“Andrew D. Basiago discussed his experiences within a secret DARPA program “Project Pegasus” and what he claimed to be the true history of U.S. time travel research and teleportation technology... from the years 1969 to 1972.

“He described being teleported from… Wood Ridge, NJ to Santa Fe, NM via a device derived from Tesla technology. A ‘chasm’ opens up in the fabric of time-space that is wrapped around the “teleportees” as they are repositioned to a new location…

“During this time frame, he said he witnessed an accident in which a boy's feet were sheared off after he was teleported.

“He also talked about how the teleportation technology could be used for time travel, and the development of ‘chronovisors’ which allowed holographic recordings to be made of historically significant events…

“Time travel technology enabled the U.S. to win the Cold War, as the government teleported military secrets into the future, to store for safekeeping, he detailed.

“The technology was also used to brief U.S. Presidents like Clinton, the Bushes, and Obama about their destinies, years before they became President, Basiago claimed.

“He also asserted that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Governor Bill Richardson both served in Project Pegasus, and he invited them to come forward with the truth.”

Readers can listen to the audio archive of the Coast to Coast AM radio program of Mr. Basiago being interviewed by host George Noory by clicking here:

Time control research and time travel

This reporter asked Mr. Basiago whether Dr. Anderson’s time control research validates his time travel experiences with the Tesla-based technology used by Project Pegasus.

He responded by stating that he thinks that it does, in the sense that it provides corroborating evidence that advanced applications in quantum physics can have truly revolutionary effects on the quantum environment, including the propagation of “vortal tunnels” by which people can travel between distant locations in time-space.

“It is not the same technology, but it shows similar effects,” he stated. “In the 21st century, the quantum environment will be shaped to suit human ends, and human beings will be freed from the constraints of time-space that today we take for granted.”

Time travel technology and a positive human future

Both whistleblowers – Andrew D. Basiago and Dr. David L. Anderson – independently emphasize the connection between creating a positive human future and public disclosure of the time travel and time control capabilities that they say the U.S. government has developed but kept secret, thereby depriving the world of the potential life-advantaging benefits of technologies that manipulate the quantum environment.

Mr. Basiago stated that teleportation could be used to move people and goods more efficiently around the globe, without the pollution caused by planes, trains, and automobiles or the negative effects upon land use of airports, railroads, and highways.

Dr. Anderson stated that time control technology will solve the global energy crisis, with diverse applications in both new energy production and medical research. In support of Mr. Basiago’s call for disclosure by the U.S. government of its time travel technologies, Dr. Anderson stated that “these new developments need to be made public.”